Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Intermission: On Business and Direct Selling

I never have a 'gift' for direct selling. I think it has something to do with my personality that can be shy and timid at times. I remember joining a multi level marketing company several years back, and I only managed to recruit one member. LOL! But I was already more than glad to finish selling all my products because at least my cost of registrations fee has already been 'recovered'. But that was the last of my 'direct selling' career. It was then confirmed that it was not for me. I would rather make or create products and ask someone else to sell it. I remember baking cakes and goodies and asking the help of my family to sell the goodies. We also made hand made cards and sold them with the help of friends.

But for other people, direct selling is just so easy peasy. Talking and convincing people on the benefits of their products is not an effort at all. I'm sure they will be successful in any type of business like Market America. Well, I've just read about this company and found out that their products include Isotonix- The world's most advanced nutraceuticals. If you want to know about the company, you can watch the MA Youtube Channel or read about the Market America Facts on the Market America Blog.

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