Friday, May 20, 2011

Learning A Lot

As mentioned earlier, I've been going to classes for a week- not as a teacher but as a student. It has been a great experience to be a 'student' once again. It has been awhile since I was one so, it took about two days for me to adjust. You know, after being a stay at home mom for years, it's hard to sit, listen to the lecturer and keep still for hours. There were even times when my mind drifted away back home, thinking about my kids and Hubby, wondering how they were doing. Our topic was actually quite heavy during the first two days so, it seemed like too much for my brain. lol! Anyways, the 3rd day was quite easier and I think I was already able to adjust and concentrate more.

But in totality, I'm really learning a lot in this week's course. I had a lot of realizations and reflections along the way. I also consider this as a break from my daily routine as a stay at home mom and homeschooler mom. Aside from that, I've made new friends from different parts of the world. I thank God for this opportunity. I also thank God for Hubby who took care of the kids while in the class.

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