Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Birthday Countdown

Our little girl is already doing her birthday countdown. As her birthday nears, I'm also getting more nervous. You see, apart from all the food and other preparations, I'm also planning to make her a Tinkerbell cake from butter cake and butter cream frosting. I haven't made a birthday cake out of these before so, that's why I'm sort of anxious of the outcome. It'll be nice if my only 'job' is to bake the birthday cake, but I will be cooking all the other things as well. These are the days that I wish I'm home and could get a lot of help from my sis and relatives. I will be busy starting on Friday as I start the preparation. I guess, I'll just have to prepare my acne creams too as I'll be losing sleep in trying to make the colorful birthday cake. :)

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