Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

We're praying for God's wisdom on us as we decide certain things. They are not big decisions to make but what ever we choose, can still create an impact in our daily lives as well as our childrens'. Oh, you might be wondering what I'm talking about. Well, these are actually issues that face those who are not in their homecountry.

Anyways, we're trusting God's wisdom and direction for indeed God knows what's best for His children. For the meantime, I need to check on some sites for my kids' homeschool materials. I heard that there's this site that sells books online with free shipping. I will have to compare the prices with our homeschool site and see which one's cheaper. This will take a lot of time since I need to go through them, book by book. Wish there's an easier way like how they do with but then, if I want to save, I better 'invest' my time on it too.

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