Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thank God for Health Insurance

As you may have known, our boy has had an appendectomy 2 weeks ago. We stayed in the hospital for almost a week. If we didn't have health insurance, it would have been stressful for us just thinking of our hospital bills. But praise God that our organization has subscribed a health insurance for the whole family.

A normal appendectomy as they said, won't cost a lot. Our friend only paid 12,000 Baht at a government hospital. But we were surprised that our hospital bill was just so high. It was like a cost of a major operation. Even though our insurance can still cover us, but we can't help but wonder why our bill was so high. The hospital we stayed in wasn't the 'premier' hospital in the city but they still had a great service and we had a comfortable stay. But anyways, we still wrote to the Director and inquired. It's always good to get their explanation from their side. Honestly, we couldn't ask the staff anymore when we got our bill, because we were in a state of shock. It was only a few days after that we realized everything. That is after talking to our local friends to ask if, what we paid was a 'normal' hospital bill.

Anyways, we just glad that everything is over. Our boy is back to normal and is once again very energetic.

But sometimes, I can't help but wonder about those who don't have health insurances and don't have the capacity to pay for their hospital bills. What if their kids have cancer like mesothelioma? How could they manage with the sickness and with the mesothelioma survival rate . How could they manage with their bills? ...I can't help but wonder and I can't help but feel sad....

1 comment:

private health cover Australia said...

Health insurance is very important nowadays. We can also choose different kinds of services based on our budget and needs. Meanwhile, you can avail a health insurance policy thru your employer to save a lot of money instead of acquiring it privately.


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