Sunday, April 10, 2011

Currently Reading : Teaching to Change Lives: Seven Proven Ways to Make Your Teaching Come Alive

Yes, this is the book which I'm reading now. It's a very enlightening book not just for teachers but for every parent too. I'm trying to digest this book slowly as I try to apply every principle found on it.

On the first part, it tackles on how we should let the intellectual dimension of our life grow through 1) maintaining a consistent study and reading program 2) enrolling in courses that improves our skill and content 3) studying our students. In short, to be an effective teacher, we must continue to be a learner. How can we teach if our 'intellect' has already ran dry, right?

I'm excited as to what other things are in stored for me in this book. But as I said, I would want to go through it slowly, digesting every morsel of truth found in it and try to practically apply it in my life.

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