Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Part Time Student
Hubby finally got to talk to the principal in our daughter's Thai school. We were a bit worried a few days ago as we found out that Grade 1 students are required to be full time students here in Thailand. We were actually planning to enroll our daughter as a part time student since she's being homeschooled in the afternoons. We just want her to have Thai friends, learn the language and somehow assimilate into the culture.

When Hubby talked with the school principal and explained this, he agreed on letting our daughter go to school but told us that they can't give her any certifications. She comes as a special student and there are some limitations on her activities. I'm not sure though whether she can join school competitions and win trophiess in the future or even join school sports activities.

We actually played on the idea on letting her go full time in Thai school just so she can have all the school certifications and such. But, if she goes as a full time student, then we won't have much time doing homeschool which I feel is more important. So, we finally decided that she goes as a part time student. Thank God for His favor in which the principal allowed her to study part time.

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