Monday, April 4, 2011

Craft Stuff

Our friends just gave our center a whole bunch of craft stuffs. We're so excited since most of those materials that they gave can't be found here in our city. So, tomorrow the kids doing our workshop will be doing new crafts such as the Hama Beads and the Foam Door Knobs. I'm sure the kids will enjoy their craft time as my family enjoyed doing the Hama beads ourselves yesterday afternoon.

Here is our girl doing the bear design.

She created a beautiful heart design the other day without following any pattern. I think she'll make a good artist, maybe she'll become a logo graphic designer perhaps? :) ...anyways, here's the monkey design that I enjoyed doing too. hehehe!

Anyways, we would like to thank God for our friends, for blessing the Center with these wonderful craft materials!

1 comment:

Laurencita said...

yes! liwat gyud na c tricia sa imo. lol!


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