Sunday, April 10, 2011

The 'Artistic' Stage

Oh, I just noticed a doodle on the wall in the room. This is one of the many doodles done by my li'l boy in his pursuit to become an 'artist'. Why are the walls more attractive to draw than the paper to a 3 year old, I wonder. He just doesn't make his doodles everywhere but in his curiosity tries to break everything he sees interesting from cabinet knobs to his train toys. When I asked him why he broke his train, he confidently told me, 'Don't worry Amma. I will fix it!". But all the wires are cut and train wheels are already in disarray. Tsk..tsk..tsk.. I think he will either become an artist or an engineer or as he says a " fixer!".. Ironic huh? LOL!!

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