Friday, April 22, 2011

God's Protection

We are always thankful for God's constant protection upon us. As we were traveling from Kuala Lumpur to Butterworth on a rainy day last week, we saw a lot of road accidents on the way. I was asleep a few times but Hubby and cousin have counted the number of cars and motorcycles involved in the mishaps. And they counted 10! Yes, that was how bad the road was that day. There were even a few of accidents that just happened before we came since it was quite obvious with how the people were reacting.

In the last days in which times are bad and a lot of events are taking place, we could only trust God of His protection. That's why everyday before we go anywhere in the car, our kids are already 'trained' to immediately pray for God's protection. It's a constant reminder for us that indeed our lives are in God's hands alone.

1 comment:

His Unfailing Love said...

That is really true, I strongly agree. Hope you visit my place and pray, need your urgent prayers.


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