Thursday, April 29, 2010

THankful Thursday - April 29

Wow! I can't believe that it has been more than a month since I've joined this meme. I'm glad to be back,listing out all my thanksgiving to God for this week.

1) I thank God for His constant protection in our family. Last Friday was a such an unusual day as my Hubby had 2 minor accidents in one day and a car accidentally hit our center's parked van. All that happened in a day.. Weird but we know that God's protection is upon us and my Hubby is unharmed. Thank you Lord!

2) I thank God for things are finally starting to get going at the Center. Things have been very slow lately and we're just glad that finally, everything is peaking up.

3) I'm thankful for God's promises are always true.. even there may be some delays ( according us?) but everything will come to pass in His perfect time.

4) I'm thankful for our kids who are a real blessing to us. Our soon to be 6 year old girl has become very responsible and my constant help at home while my 2 and a half year old can communicate and express himself better now.

5) And last but not the least, I'm thankful that our God is ever gracious, loving and true.

A Blessed Thursday to All!

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