Saturday, April 17, 2010

Another Blog Approved!

Thank God that my newest blog has already been approved by one of the best paid blogging company. I'm excited! This company has really been very generous in giving bloggers like me a lot of opportunities to earn through blogging.

And since my other site has already been approved and ready to earn, I then need to get its own webhosting . There are really a number of advantages of getting your own webhost. The greatest advantage for me though is that compared to being free hosted, you will be more flexible with your own site when you get your own hosting. There won't be much limitations. There's a site that can help you get the best webhost through reading through the webhosting reviews.

With another blog approved in the company's system, I'm thinking of moving on with my plan of creating a photo blog. But I have some problems starting this blog, I'm not a very good photographer and my camera is not very good. But, maybe I'll have to start anyways and maybe improve along the way. And maybe then, I can have a better camera in the near future.

Ah.. so many plans but so little time. My online life is getting busier while my time to be online is getting lesser. Our little boy hasn't been sleeping well in the night and nighttime is actually my only time to write posts except for weekends when everything is free and easy.

Anyways, where was I? Oh yes, I thank God for another blog approved! And I thank God that for more than 2 years now, our family has received great blessings through my blogs.

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