Monday, March 2, 2009

Thanks for the Gifts!

Today we received our package from our friends from Singapore! We're always so touched by our friends' thoughtfulness by mailing us our Christmas gift all the way to the Philippines. Thank you, Lord for these friends and I pray for your blessings to be upon them! They've been sending us gifts even when we were still in Thailand, but we never expected them to still send us our gift even when we're already here in the Philippines.

By the way, this gift has been mailed to us last December but it actually took almost 3 months to reach us.. yes, almost 3 months... I think there's really something wrong with our postal system but I'll have to blog about this some other time. As for now, I'm just thankful for our books ( for us and the kids) and chocolates! I'm specially happy because they gave us the devotional book, Streams in the Desert, the same title that we lost during last month's flood. And not to mention, this copy is even better because it's smaller and more handy. :)

1 comment:

Mariz said...

Ferrero fave choco! Been a long time my dear, what's up?

Hope you can add my new photoblog to your blogroll, thanks!
Blog Title: Mix Pix

Hope to see you there too...

Reflections by Mariz
Mix Pix


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