Monday, March 2, 2009

The Middle Eastern Boy

Yesterday was "Fun Day" for the kids. While all the grown ups went for grocery, the kids were left at Planet Kids to play for an hour.

After doing our groceries, my Mom and I went to the ground floor to fetch the kids. There I saw Tricia was with her Ate Renyel playing some games while Rehum was 'rock climbing'. I was looking for Lyle upstairs but I wasn't able to see him. I got a bit nervous, because our house helper is new and she was the one who was supposed to take care of Lyle while we were away. I was looking all over for him and while I 'scanned' through the room, I caught a glimpse of a boy that has that "Arabu-look" ( middle eastern look). I actually saw only half of his face for a split second and thought to myself, "He's so cute!". I continued to look around for my boy but there was no sign of him, until I saw our house helper waving at me. And then I finally got a full view of the 'Cute Arabu looking boy" and it was no other than Lyle, my son! Hahaha! So funny me, I wasn' t able to recognize my own son. You see, Lyle just had a haircut and he looked so different with it and not to mention, I only saw half of his face when I thought he had this middle eastern look. But nevertheless, he still looks so cute to me, even when I thought he was another boy. Heehhe! I love my own... :)

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