Thursday, March 26, 2009

Small Trips before the Big Trip

My last post was about our family going to Iligan city to attend our cousin's Child Dedication and now, we just came back from our Camiguin Trip. Yes, we've been busy going around. We only have a few more days to go before leaving for our big trip to Malaysia and we're really trying our best to squeeze in all the activities that we've planned out before coming here.

I also thank God that our Camiguin trip was finally pushed through. It was just so timely that my brother in law is going there to check on the stores and so, we somehow tagged along with him. It's a good thing he brought a car so, we didn't need to hire a car in Camiguin. I guess, car hire would be the best option if you don't know anyone in a new place, like let's say in Florida, you might need a car hire Orlando while you're there. It is also a great way to save money - only pay Justify Fullfor the use of a car when you need it.And the best thing of all you don't have to rely on public transport or very expensive taxis.

Anyways, we have a few more things in line for following days. Some of our friends from church are going to do white water rafting with us and hopefully, if time and budget permits, we can also go swim with the dolphins in Ozamiz City next week.

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