Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Camiguin Island Plans

I just chatted with my cousin Bebing who lives in Camiguin. I'm trying to make some arrangements for us to go there. She's very willing to let us stay in her house but then if there will be 3 families going to Camiguin with us then, we might not fit in there. So hopefully, we can rent out a cheap place for us to stay for a few nights while we're there.

Camiguin is a small island and I'm not sure if they have cheap condo rentals there just like the one they have in Destin, Florida. How come I got to know about Destin, when I haven't been to Florida yet ? Well, I was able to surf through Destin Florida Beach Condo Rental site. I found out that this condo is just right near the beach and they also have great facilities and amenities like indoor pools, private balconies and PIzza Hut deliveries! Wow! Wish we could have an inexpensive place like that in Camiguin huh. But never mind the accommodation, I don't really mind where we sleep as long as we ( especially my Hubby) will get to see Camiguin. So, hopefully ( please, Lord!) our Camiguin trip pushes through. My Hubby hasn't really been to a lot of places during his 4 months stay here, so I least he will be able to see Camiguin.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mommy! I finally bought a domain for Lourdes' Mia. Hope I could exchange link with you. I have added few of your blogs already. Hope you can visit too. Thanks!

Bogie said...

Can I join you in your Camiguin plans? he.he.he. same here still planning.. :)


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