Friday, March 27, 2009

The Great Sale!

I've just posted in my other blog about the SM Mall having a mall-wide sale next week. They're actually offering up to 50% discount on selected items.

But, have you heard about the great Sears Sale yet? I just went through their site and found out about their clothing clearance sale. Can you imagine a 75%-80% discount on all fall and winter apparel? Wow! You might want to check out this great sale since it's only until the 18th if April. You'll really find some amazing deals like a Levi's 505 jeans for only $17.99 and a lot more!

Not only that, you can also get a chance to win a $ 2,500 prize package from Sears if you go to and become a fan of Sears Busted Moms on Facebook. If you have a Twitter account, you can also have the chance to win Sears gift cards by being a follower @bustedmoms. Wow! These are truly great offerings and 'treats' for all the Sears fans.

Okay, I better go now, I still have to log on to my Facebook and Twitter accounts and join the contests. I'm so much into contests now after winning the GeckoGo travel contest. Who knows, I might become one of the winners again.

Click Here


Great Fun!

Tricia & Lyle with Rehum and Renyeil in their favorite spot , the hammock.

Tricia's really having a blast spending time with her cousins these days. It's summer break so, all her cousins are around and they play, watch tv, eat and do activities together. She's really enjoying every minute of her time here. But sad to say that we only have 18 more days and we'll soon be leaving to Malaysia.

Many times she told us that she doesn't want us to go back to Thailand but wants to stay here with her cousins. Poor thing! I'm sure she'll miss her cousins a LOT! She's especially so attached with her Ate Renyel whom she looks up to.

Night Cafe

Today is Friday. We're going to attend our prayer meeting at the center tonight. It would also be nice if we could go for the Night Cafe and see some Ukay Ukay ( 2nd hand goods) there. The first time I heard about the weekend Night Cafe here in Cagayan, I thought that the streets will just be filled with food stuff and nothing else. Maybe then it used to be like that but now, I guess the main focus of the night cafe is no longer the FOOD but the cheap 2nd hand clothings, shoes, bags and all the other things that's for sale.
Last week, we found some cheap Christian concert DVDs there. The copies were not original but they were very clear. I'm not a techie person but I wonder if they used File Extension IFO to burn all these. I heard there's a great software that makes windows open File Extension IFO. They said that if Windows cannot open File Extension IFO, there might be corrupted or missing registry files within the system.

Anyways, it's nice that at least there are still some places where we could buy cheap items. So, if you happen to be in Cagayan de oro, don't miss visiting the Night cafe at the Divisoria area every Friday and Saturday nights.

Yummy Sunday - Bigby's

Last week, a couple gave a treat to us in one of my favorite restaurants here in the city - Bigby's Cafe. Who's the couple? I'll reveal that later in another post... Thank you friends! I'll write a post about you later ok? ;)

But for the meantime, here's the yummy food that we ordered.
Pork Steak ( sorry, I forgot the exact name)

Belly Sizzlers

Combo Chicken for me

Fish Fillet for my Hubby

Hmmm.. Yummy! Posting these photos now makes me hungry and crave for Bigby's food.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Small Trips before the Big Trip

My last post was about our family going to Iligan city to attend our cousin's Child Dedication and now, we just came back from our Camiguin Trip. Yes, we've been busy going around. We only have a few more days to go before leaving for our big trip to Malaysia and we're really trying our best to squeeze in all the activities that we've planned out before coming here.

I also thank God that our Camiguin trip was finally pushed through. It was just so timely that my brother in law is going there to check on the stores and so, we somehow tagged along with him. It's a good thing he brought a car so, we didn't need to hire a car in Camiguin. I guess, car hire would be the best option if you don't know anyone in a new place, like let's say in Florida, you might need a car hire Orlando while you're there. It is also a great way to save money - only pay Justify Fullfor the use of a car when you need it.And the best thing of all you don't have to rely on public transport or very expensive taxis.

Anyways, we have a few more things in line for following days. Some of our friends from church are going to do white water rafting with us and hopefully, if time and budget permits, we can also go swim with the dolphins in Ozamiz City next week.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Off to Iligan City

Our family with my Mom and 2 sister's family ( total of 13 people) are going to Iligan tomorrow. We're going to attend our niece's daughter's dedication. I'm quite excited for this trip because we won't just be seeing our cousins whom I haven't seen for a long time but also it'll be the first time that all of us are traveling together. I'm sure the kids will have a grand time in Iligan.

Iligan City is only an hour and a half away from our city and is known to be an industrial city. Would you believe that the flour factory and cement factory are just in front of each other? The result? White coconut trees! I'm not kidding! I remember noticing the white coconut tree when I was still small. The trees must have become white because of the powder emitted from the factories. I'm not sure if it's still the same now. Maybe they've already undergone some measures of industrial cleaning to lessen the pollution.

Anyways, enough of my babbling..I've got to sleep now and wake up early tomorrow morning...gud nyt!

The Amazing Internet

It's amazing what businesses can be made and discovered through the internet. I for one, can attest that this has also been a source of blessing ( extra income) for me. At first, I thought that the internet can just be a source of information and entertainment. Little did I know that it later served as an extra income for the family.

There's also this young man who has been a success in the internet world. He was only 20 years old when he co founded a company and led the development of technology and products over the course of 6 years. After which, he built new internet companies. Currently, he serves as President & CEO of DotNext Inc., a leading bay area venture firm with head quarters out of Pleasanton California. DotNext Inc. currently owns and operates a growing base of Internet companies including and and continues in its path to deliver new and innovative internet companies. Well, I'm talking about Ben Behrouzi and I've just read through his articles and profile. He must be quite a famous man because aside from his success, there are also myths and rumors spreading about him. And to 'defend' himself, he had to write a post entitled, Ben Behrouzi and the Most Fashionable Rumors Online . So, read for yourself and get to know the truth about Ben Behrouzi

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Casting Our Burdens

I don't feel like blogging tonight but I have to because I've got some 'tasks' that's due anytime now. Something is bothering me so much, that's why.. But I know that I just have to lay all my 'burdens' onto to HIM and He will give me rest.

I know that this too will pass and we will be able to overcome it with victory. I just have to be careful not to get angry due to my 'disappointments' but instead be hopeful for CHANGE. AMen..

So, let me go back to work for now..

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Camiguin Island Plans

I just chatted with my cousin Bebing who lives in Camiguin. I'm trying to make some arrangements for us to go there. She's very willing to let us stay in her house but then if there will be 3 families going to Camiguin with us then, we might not fit in there. So hopefully, we can rent out a cheap place for us to stay for a few nights while we're there.

Camiguin is a small island and I'm not sure if they have cheap condo rentals there just like the one they have in Destin, Florida. How come I got to know about Destin, when I haven't been to Florida yet ? Well, I was able to surf through Destin Florida Beach Condo Rental site. I found out that this condo is just right near the beach and they also have great facilities and amenities like indoor pools, private balconies and PIzza Hut deliveries! Wow! Wish we could have an inexpensive place like that in Camiguin huh. But never mind the accommodation, I don't really mind where we sleep as long as we ( especially my Hubby) will get to see Camiguin. So, hopefully ( please, Lord!) our Camiguin trip pushes through. My Hubby hasn't really been to a lot of places during his 4 months stay here, so I least he will be able to see Camiguin.

Yummy Sunday - Mutton Curry

I know my photo doesn't look so visually appealing but I have to say that after being 'curryless' for months, this is the best mutton curry I've ever cooked! hahaha! Thank to Yummy Sunday for sending us the curry powders. ;) and thanks to our Anne who gave us the best mutton curry recipe in the world. :)!

To date, I've already cooked Chicken Masala, Fish Curry and Crab Curry from the curry powders sent. I wasn't able to take pictures of those dishes anymore because I guess we were just too excited to eat them. But it's okay we still have more curry powders left so, more Indian Dishes to come for my Yummy Sunday entry.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Another Contest?

I guess once you win a contest, you can help but keep joining other contests too. I really didn't like joining contests until I'm in the blogworld. I realized that most of the contests hosted by bloggers are quite easy to join and won't require to buy anything or spend money. It's just as easy as the click of the mouse. And the prizes? Their prizes are also great.. just take for example this great contest that is in Twitter now. You just give one tweet for and then you're in for a chance to win a MacBook Air. What one tweet for a MacBook Air? Now, that's sweet huh?

For you to believe what I'm talking about. Here's an excerpt from ben behrouzi's blog :

Want to win a Free MacBook Air? It could be the highest ROI on any Tweet you ever send. I’m Ben Behrouzi, serial entrepreneur, and I’m giving away a brand new MacBook Air to one cool Twitter follower, Free! One follower will be selected on March 31st 2009, but you have to be in it to win it!

Here’s how it works :

Just send me a simple Tweet with the following message or something like it in your own words so I know to count you in. No requirement to follow me, only if you choose to get my updates.

@BenBehrouzi Ben count me in the MacBook Air Giveaway!

So, better create a Twitter account now and twit him.


Thankful Thursday

It's been awhile since I joined this meme and I'm thankful that I'm back. From now on, I'll try to remember to post my thankful lists every Thursday or rather I'll to always orient myself with days and dates so I won't forget. Anyways, here's my Thankful List.

  • I thank God for his faithfulness everyday. Every morning as I get up and have my devotions overlooking the river, I can't help but be amazed by God's beauty, peace and grace.
  • I thank God for his regular surprises for our family.. may it be curry powder from friends ( thanks so much Peter and Janet) to winning travel vouchers from contests. Our God is just full of surprises.
  • I thank God for the joy in hearing my Li'l boy talk and babble.. " Bye bye Ate!" Dirty! Doggy!! and etc.
  • I thank God for time spent with family and friends.
  • I thank God for his joy and love that overflows everyday in our lives.
Have a blessed week to ALL!!

Dream Holiday Comes True

I'm excited.. I'm looking forward for the email of one of the contest organizers anytime today or tomorrow. You see, they emailed me an said that I won their 900$ worth of travel voucher. WOw! They haven't got back to me yet since the first email yesterday but they said, they will get back to me to tell me the details.

Out of our excitement, my Hubby and I already started to search for our dream holiday within the allotted budget. Too bad our budget won't allow us to stay either in a Paris Hotel or Rome apartment with mutuelle. But we will be more than satisfied to stay in a luxurious hotel in any of the islands we've never been either in Malaysia, Thailand or Indonesia.

I never expected to win this contest but I didn't know that my Hubby literally prayed about it right after I told him that I joined a travel contest. That's why he kept on asking about the contest results and finally yesterday we got the email to confirm my name for their contest winner announcement. Amazing! Thank you Lord for answering my Hubby's prayer. ;) Indeed God meets the desires of our hearts and answers our seemingly simple prayers such us winning a contest. Thank You Lord!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Best Friends Forever!

They were BFF even long before the acronym has been 'invented' . They first met when they were still in their elementary years in Camp Philips Bukidnon and their friendship continued till High School , College, marriage, they had children, grand children up to the present.

This is the friendship between my Mom and Auntie Clem. Through the years they have been best of friends. They're so close that they seemingly 'agreed' to both have 4 children ( 1 son and 3 daughters) and with the age gap so close. My brother, Jinggoy has the same age as Auntie Clem's son , Nong Jong, my sis Bem has the same age with Nang Gigi, my sis Mayet has the same age with Dimple but I am 2 years older than Auntie Clem's youngest daughter Jill. All the 3 eldest kids went to the same school (Kong Hua) while Jill and I were in Montessori. My father and Auntie Clem's husband ( Uncle Henry) also became hunting buddies and were Masons.

I remember when we were small, we always have night outs and campfires with Auntie Clems family. Jill and I even thought that we were cousins and we only got to find out that we were not related when we were quite older.

So, that's my mom and her's just so rare to find such friendship and closeness such as this.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Balulang Lots for Sale

Anyone interested to buy some residential lots here in Balulang? Don't worry, it those lots that are far from the river and nearer to the main road. Our family is keen to sell some residential lots for those who are interested.

For those who don't know there's already a road connecting Balulang to Taguanao Bridge and SM. With this road, it means you can go to the city center in 2 ways, through Carmen or through Aluba. Though the new connecting road is not paved yet, but hopefully this will be developed in a few years time.

Anyways, back to our selling of lots, we can offer you a cheaper price if you buy it on a cash basis. For this to be possible one can apply for a housing loan. One must choose a good and reliable company for housing loans or Home Mortgage Loans Online like Amerisave Mortgage company. Understanding the issues surrounding comparing home mortgage loans online and other mortgage concerns is what Amerisave mortgage company wants to help their clients with. Head over to Amerisave's blog and know more about the company's profile.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thanks for the Gifts!

Today we received our package from our friends from Singapore! We're always so touched by our friends' thoughtfulness by mailing us our Christmas gift all the way to the Philippines. Thank you, Lord for these friends and I pray for your blessings to be upon them! They've been sending us gifts even when we were still in Thailand, but we never expected them to still send us our gift even when we're already here in the Philippines.

By the way, this gift has been mailed to us last December but it actually took almost 3 months to reach us.. yes, almost 3 months... I think there's really something wrong with our postal system but I'll have to blog about this some other time. As for now, I'm just thankful for our books ( for us and the kids) and chocolates! I'm specially happy because they gave us the devotional book, Streams in the Desert, the same title that we lost during last month's flood. And not to mention, this copy is even better because it's smaller and more handy. :)

The Most Stable Job

I'm a full time wife and mom. When I was younger, I always thought of myself as a future career woman. I remember making my plans A, B and C right before my University graduation and all had something to do with career. But God had other plans. Even though I worked in a secular job for a few years but I knew that I had to give these up for full time ministry. And currently, my job is a full time wife and mom.

There are so many great things about being a full time wife and mom. The best of it all is being able to spend a lot of time with the family and kids, teach them first hand and seeing their developments among many other things. But you know what I've just realized? In times of recession, it's the only job in the world where there's never a lay off or retrench. So, we still get to keep our job even in times of the so-called world crisis. That's a great blessing huh! So, I guess I will never have to look for a more stable job.

Speaking of jobs, even in times where people lose their jobs, take heart because there are still job openings in other places. There are still recruitment firms like Executive Recruitment Firm that seeks out the best people for any job . A well-respected name in the corporate recruitment world is Dennis C Carey, the man who takes charge of looking for the best people in your organization. Know more about Dennis Carey's profile here.

The Middle Eastern Boy

Yesterday was "Fun Day" for the kids. While all the grown ups went for grocery, the kids were left at Planet Kids to play for an hour.

After doing our groceries, my Mom and I went to the ground floor to fetch the kids. There I saw Tricia was with her Ate Renyel playing some games while Rehum was 'rock climbing'. I was looking for Lyle upstairs but I wasn't able to see him. I got a bit nervous, because our house helper is new and she was the one who was supposed to take care of Lyle while we were away. I was looking all over for him and while I 'scanned' through the room, I caught a glimpse of a boy that has that "Arabu-look" ( middle eastern look). I actually saw only half of his face for a split second and thought to myself, "He's so cute!". I continued to look around for my boy but there was no sign of him, until I saw our house helper waving at me. And then I finally got a full view of the 'Cute Arabu looking boy" and it was no other than Lyle, my son! Hahaha! So funny me, I wasn' t able to recognize my own son. You see, Lyle just had a haircut and he looked so different with it and not to mention, I only saw half of his face when I thought he had this middle eastern look. But nevertheless, he still looks so cute to me, even when I thought he was another boy. Heehhe! I love my own... :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Almost Time

It's already the 2nd of March today. How time flies so fast! Now that we've already booked our tickets to Malaysia, it's like there's no turning back and the days are getting nearer for us to leave Cagayan. Huhuhu! It's almost time to say good bye.

Even though it seems that we're already used to saying 'good bye' but then, we will never get used to the feeling of sadness and loneliness when we leave loved ones behind. I'm not sure how our daughter will react upon realizing that she'll be leaving her cousins soon. (That reminds me to start preparing her for this time. ) She is really enjoying her time here. At least she can still have 2 full weeks with her cousins in April since it's going to be summer holidays in April. We even wanted to send her for Summer Art Classes but I'm not so sure if we still have time for that since she can only join in the first 2 weeks. And speaking of 'summer' I'm sure it'll be so hot here and we would wish for a device that can give us an All Year Cooling and Heating .

Anyways, I have to seriously start planning the rest of the weeks so, that we could do all the things that we want to accomplish before we leave.

What's the Message Today?

Hubby and I were physically present for the Sunday service today but we're actually 'absent'. We were there, joined the worship but when it was time for the Sermon, Lyle was already cranky. He actually wanted to go down and walk around the hall but then, he would surely disturb the people, so we 'imprisoned' him in our arms. But he refused to be still and was wiggling his way out of my arms. And when he sees that he can't be 'free', he then makes so much of noise that we didn't have a choice but to go outside and let him walk around.

When it seemed that he already had enough of walking around, we would try to go back inside the hall to see if he sits still. But as active as he is, he still repeats the same pattern. He sits still for 2 seconds, wiggle his way out and when he can't seem to get down, he would cry and make so much of noise. So, that's when we decided to let him just be outside as not to disturb other people.

So on the way back, my Hubby and I realized that even if we were in the church today but we didn't hear the Sermon at all. I told him that at least I know what's the title of the Sermon because Lyle was still quiet during the introduction.

I remember the time when Tricia was also Lyle's age. We would go to church but I won't still be able to hear the sermon since I had to accompany her to Sunday School or we go out because she's cranky. It has been like that for 4 years. Now, she's ok and can be left alone in Sunday school or if not, we just give her a pen and paper and she'll just be quietly drawing something during the service. So, now, it's Lyle's turn and I have to take of him during the service. So, I guess I'll have to wait another 3 years before I can fully concentrate and participate in the worship service. But that time will come. This is just a stage in life that we have to go through.

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