Friday, February 27, 2009

Questions From a Soon to be 5 Year Old

As I've mentioned in one of my posts, my 5 year old has been asking me a lot of profound questions lately.

The other night, she asked me another question (almost similar to the one before where I didn't have time to answer her) but this time, I finally took the time to explain to her the answer.

She was already going to sleep. After she prayed by herself, she was just staring blankly on the ceiling. That means she's thinking deeply. Then she thoughtfully asked, " Amma, when people die, will they be alive again?". This is her nth question about 'death'. I think this is because we've been to a 2 funerals in this month alone and maybe the thought of death has really been bothering her.

So, I gently laid down beside her and started to explain in simple terms how man consist of body , soul and spirit and the body dies and the soul either goes to heaven with God or hell. I didn't pass up the opportunity anymore but decided to share and explain to her in illustrations about God holiness, Man's sinfulness, how God sent Jesus as man to die for our sins and live again and is now in heaven with God and all the other things. I was not so sure how much things can sink in her but all the same I asked her if she believe in Jesus and wanted to receive Jesus in her heart. Still thinking deeply and thoughtfully, as if digesting what she has just heard, she excitedly said, "Yes!". So, I let her pray by herself to see if she has understood what she has just heard. I was just so touched and teary eyed with her prayer. She asked God to forgive her for doing bad things, thanked that Jesus is God and said she wants to go to heaven with God. Then after her prayer I also led her into prayer.

After the prayer I was surprised by what she said , " Amma, I will be a good girl now Amma " and then, "Amma, I must tell Z boy ( her cousin)!" " What is that you want to tell Z boy?" I asked, "Everything you told me... I must tell Z boy tomorrow and also Kuya Renzee and Ate Renyel and Kuya Rehum and Ate Honey !" I can't help but be more teary eyed because as little as she is, she already knows the great importance of what was shared to her and she too wants to tell others. Praise the Lord!

And indeed, when she saw her cousin Z the next morning, she told him about everything that I shared to her.

Thank you Lord for my sweet Li'l girl. May her relationship with you grow deeper and deeper as she experiences you in her life. Amen!


Tabitha said...

Wow akka Trish is soo smart. i'm sure she will be an inspiration to others and will surely reflect Jesus through her life. God Bless. Muaxxx...

Anonymous said...

That is so inspiring Mommy Love! How I wish my kids would grow like that too!


oh my daughter just asked me the same question a hundred times. LOL but this afternoon, she woke me up while having my nap asking me MOMMY, WHY DONT I HAVE WINGS??? :)


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