Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lost and Found

One of the things that we thought that was lost during the flood was the files from our CD and thumbdrives. Those files which included videos, powerpoint presentations, photos, teaching among others were the files that he has copied from the laptop he was using back in Thailand. Those were worth months and years of information and compilation.

But a few days after the flood, we were so happy to recover our cds and some of our usb thumbdrives. But our question was, would they still work even after 'swimming' in the water and with mud all over? With some help from others, they just washed all our cds and cleaned up our thumbdrives and guess what, everything worked perfectly fine. And so we happily recovered all our lost files! Yipee!! Thank God!

So, this is my Date Loss story worth telling at blog.sumobackup.com. I guess from now on, we will have to always create copies of whatever important files that we have so that we will have an extra copy or Online Backups in case something happens to the original file.


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