Sunday, February 8, 2009

Change Of Plans

Time indeed flies so fast, we didn't realize that it's almost time for us to go back.. not home ( in Thailand) since our 1 year leave is not yet finished.

Earlier we have planned to be back to Malaysia at the end of March because we were supposed to go to a different country by April. But because that plan has been canceled, we are now free to stay longer here in the Philippines! Yippee! So, we are going to stay longer.. perhaps a until December maybe? hahaah! Just kidding!

So, instead of staying until end of March, we are now going to stay until the end April. :) We would really like to stay until May and celebrate Tricia's 5th birthday here but then, my Malaysian visa is expiring on the 1st week of May so that's not really possible. But maybe then we can celebrate Tricia's birthday earlier in April.

The change of plans gives us 2 more months stay here in the Philippines. I guess it's just good because there are still a lot of places in our "to go" list that hasn't been checked off yet. Yeah, our travels and 'suruy suruy' has been put on hold for awhile because of our Flood experience where it took us sometime to get settled.

But Praise God that everything quite settled now and we will try to continue with our plans. :)

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