Sunday, February 1, 2009

Flood of Blessings

It's almost a month now since the 'great' flood that we have experienced. We are still staying in our cousin's house but hopefully we could go back to our house next week as the repairs will be finished by then.

The 3rd of January was indeed a shakening experience for us. It is a day that we will never forget. But, just as how our house got flooded with the 2 meters river water, God's blessings after that was also flooding in our lives. We have seen God's love and care through the people who have helped us in many ways. We have also been blessed materially and financially.

Through these blessings, we were able to replace the things that we have lost with NEw things; new shoes, clothes, bags and etc. We were able to clean and repair the houses ( my moms house, and two sisters' houses). Not only that, but a bit of house improvement was also done in my two sisters' houses. Once we are all settled in our home, we are also planning to have a thanksgiving with all our neighbors ( especially those who have also been affected by the flood) and at the same time give them some gifts too. God has indeed blessed us and that is to be a blessing to everyone.

God is indeed faithful in our lives. We have seen God's miracles of provision and meeting our every need. Glory to God!

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