Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Home Sweet Home with Sick Baby

We are back home now from our 1 week trip to Malaysia. It has been a tiring trip for us due to the fact that it's our 2nd trip to Malaysia for this month. I can't count how many times wetraveled to and fro Malaysia this year.. thinking about it now makes me dizzy..hehehe!

We had a good trip to Malaysia though, I was able to go for my check-up, attended the Tamil Methodist Church Centennial Celebration, met a LOT of friends and church mates and met our family in Taiping.

But the sad thing is.. my boy got sick. He's still having fever right now. He actually got his vaccine last week and the doctor warned us in advance that he'll have fever a week later. True enough, he had fever starting last Sunday. But it's already Tuesday and he's still having fever. I'm not sure if this is still the fever due to his vaccine and I'm also quite concern since it's also quite high.

I'm praying that this will indeed subside and he will be okay. It's just a pity when our kids get sick. Hope you can pray with me for his healing too.

John Grisham Books

When I was in college, I used to read a lot of John Grisham's books since my cousin's cousin (?) had a collection of most of his books. One of my favorite is a "Time to Kill" which was a bit emotional as it reflects the love of the father towards his daughter and anger towards the assailants. I also like the movie as well as other John Grisham novels turned into blockbuster movies such as Pelican Brief , Th Firm and etc.

I'm sure that as a writer, John Grisham could have researched a lot of Public Court Records to make his story more real. Well, just for everyone's info, not only lawyers nor writers are allowed to do that but the whole public too. Do you have any records you want to search? Try to search it online.

Our Baby is Turning One year Old!

Yes, on the 15th of this month our baby, Jedaiah Lyle is turning one year old! We didn’t plan for his 1st birthday party yet but I guess it’ll just be a simple one with friends.

Time just went by so fast! It just seemed like yesterday when we had his dedication party at our house (October 20th 2007) where his Granny, Ammachi, Mamay, Uncle Manny and all our friends were present. He was still such a tiny newborn baby at that time. Now, he’s a cute , chubby, strong and very friendly boy, that charms our friends and strangers alike.

Anyways, we better start planning for our boy's birthday celebration to make it a memorable one for the family. Any ideas?

Undisturbed Mommy Life

When you're a Mommy with a baby, you would truly want peace and quiet when putting your baby to sleep... and then the phone rings! First, the ringing of the phone would indeed wake up your baby who was about to sleep. So, you get up quietly and hurriedly answer the phone.. the baby would be wide awake by then... and then finally, you would then find out that it's not your husband nor your mother on the other line but a telemarketer who has made you a victim. And there goes your baby's afternoon sleep.. sigh!

If you are one of those Moms who just don't have the time for telemarketers, then better register your number for No Call List Information . This is a free service that deletes your phone numbers from all the telemarketers list and it also offers Reverse Cell Phone Lookups. Try it and let your day be undisturbed by unimportant calls.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Health Update

Aside from attending our church , Tamil Methodist Church Klang's 100th year anniversary, we also came to have my check up.

Last week, I had this big lump on the lower portion on my neck. This can nothing alarming to anyone but coming from a family who has a history og thyroid cancer, we got concerned, asked people to pray for healing and came for a check up.

As days went by, the lump was getting smaller but the pain was still there. So, when we arrived on Wednesday , we immediately went to the clinic. And praise God because all I had was a normal throat infection caused by bateria. The doctor said that I have a big puss inside my throat that's why it's painful and my lymph nodes were also enlarged. So, she just gave me some anti biotic and pain reliever.

With the advise of our Anna and Akka, we also asked for a general check up package for me where everything will be checked from choloesterol levels, thyroid, general cancer and etc.

We we still have to wait for my result but my trust is in the Lord. I thank God that He is truly taking good care of us. Praise His name!

Contests and More

I've been joining quite a lot of contests lately. I've actually just joined in contests that are easy to enter and some times I get to win some EC points which already makes me so happy.

Here the latest contest that I've joined and it's brought to by Sports Vid an online video site. You can win great prizes like

1. The new XBox 360
2. Tickets to Michigan vs. Penn State, Saturday, October 18, 2008
3. $100 Gift Certificate from Dick's Sporting Goods

It's so easy to join:

1) Just visit the SportsVids site.
2) Register then log in to your acount
3) Then, you'll be given a link and you'd have to distribute it. Stick it on your blog, add it to your myspace or facebook page, email it to your friends…do whatever it takes to get the most “unique visitors” to click on your link. Each click from a unique visitor counts as one vote. You'll get to monitor the real time ranking through the site too!
4) The top 3 members who refer the most 'unique visitors' to www.sportsvids.com win those cool prizes!

So, if you're up for contests and cool prizes then better join now!Hurry and be one of the top 3 members! For more contest details. You can visit their site.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Off to Malaysia Again!

It's like I just finished unpacking our bags the other day, our laundry from our last week's travel is not done ( not to mention the mountain of clothes that has to be folded too) and yet we have to travel again back to Malaysia this Wednesday. Don't get me wrong but I do love to travel and be in different places all the time, but I guess it's the amount of work that has to be done before and after the travel that I don't like much. Hehehe!

Anyways, it was actually our decision to go back and forth Malaysia to attend 2 different functions (which is only more than a week apart). We actually had an option to stay back for a week and wait for the 2nd function to take place before we come back home. But we decided to make 2 trips instead, since a lot of work ( for my Hubby) has to be done here in Hatyai too.

I just hope I can get everything ready by Wednesday. I also hope and pray that our baby boy can recover from his cough by then. Our boy got sick after we came back from Malaysia. I guess he also got quite stressed out from too much traveling. Bon Voyage to us.. :)

Childhood Games

When I was still in my elementary days, my parents were very active in one of the groups in our city that organizes events and charities. One of the events that they organized was a Bingo Contest held at our community city hall. My parents bought several cards for us and I could still remember the small circle things that you use to cover the numbers when a number is called. It was really exciting every time a number in my card was being called. And then suddenly, I realized that I have already formed the required 'shape' and so I shouted Bingo! Yes , I won in one of the games and I got a beautiful photo album as a prize. There were other major prizes as well like some electric appliances but I just got one of the minor prizes.

I just love my childhood days and the games we used to play. It's very different from the games that kids play nowadays. But guess what, Disney has relived the past by creating Disney Bingo! But this time, we don't have to use the cards and circle things anymore but it's a DVD Video game. Cool! So, for those parents like me who miss playing the 'old' games like Bingo it's our chance to play this game again but in a hi-tech manner and we introduce it to our kids too. It would be fun! So, if you're interested, you can buy your own copy at Amazon.com or Drugstore.com.


Couple's Devotion 4- Best Friends

Oh, it has been months since I last posted an entry for our Couple's Devotion Sunday taken from the book Night Light by James and Shirley Dobson. So, here is an entry for this week's devotion.

This has been our devotion the other day and I truly like our discussion at the end of the reading as it opened up a lot of issues that has been in our hearts for a long time but never had the opportunity to come out as both of us assumed that it was all settled. Anyways, read on and I hope you and your spouse can also spend some time reading the entry , answer the questions honestly at pray together.

Have a Blessed Sunday!!
Best Friends

A friend loves at all times
Proverbs 17:17

There is a limit to the openness we have described. It can be used to create insecurity and gain power over your spouse. I (JCD) know of a handsome young company president who told his wife every day about the single women at the office who flirted with him. HIs candor was admirable, but by not also stressing his commitment to his wife, he was saying ( consciously or not): You'd better treat me rigth because there are plenty of women out there just waiting to get their hands on me." His wife began to fret about how she would hang onto her husband.

He should have reflected on his real motives for alarming his wife. Did this kind of sharing nurture or injure his friendship with her? ANd she could have helped redirect the conversations by pointing out to her husband - in a calm, non threatening manner- how his words made her feel.

If you reveal your inner feelings honestly with pure motives, and continually reaffirm your commitment to your marriage, your spouse will become your most treasured confidante, protector, adviser, and friend. After forty years of marriage, I can happily report that Shirley and I are best, intimate friends- in no small part because we've earned each other's trust.

  • Have you shown me the real you?
  • How should we respond when our partner shares weakness?
  • How can I become a better friend?

Father, thank You so much that my spouse and I are lifetime partners. But we want to always be best and dearest friends, too. Bless us with Your wisdom, grace, and power to this end, we pray. AMen.

Women Love Sale

The other month, there was a grand sale in one of the malls here in Thailand. Everyone was busy shopping for clothes , shoes and bags but do you know which section was the busiest of all? It was in the lingerie section where one of the famous lingerie brands was on 50%- 70% sale. That brand used to be very expensive. So when a big percentage was slashed off from its original price, the women really did some panic buying! It was amusing to see everyone busily rummaging through the big 'boxes' to find their perfect lingerie.

Most women just love to put on beautiful Lingerie and that must have explained the big crowd in that department. But this is Thailand, most women here are small and petite. You seldom see overweight people here. So, what about those women who are in the bigger size? I wonder how they are going to buy a swimwear or a lingerie with D+ cup sizes? I think these plus sizes are not that common here in Thailand. And I'm sure many of these women would also want to wear Designer Lingerie .

Well then, the bigger women need not despair as Boudiche has a lot of designer lingerie to offer every woman's taste and style. Have you heard about Fayreform Lingerie ? This is also availabe at Boudiche. Fayreform is a designer lingerie which especially caters to the larger cup women who have been desiring to have colorful and fashionable lingerie that goes beyond the basics.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

More Than A Footpath

A reflexology footpath we found at Glory Beach Resort, Port Dickson, Malaysia

This is more than a footpath, it's a reflexology footpath where different shapes and 'points' of natural stones are embedded on the ground. Reflexology is an ancient healing art based on the belief that reflex points exist in the feet, hands & ears which correspond to all parts of the body. A recent study shows that walking on specifically placed uneven, natural stones stimulates acupressure points in the feet and can improve circulation, and reduce overall stress.

We find these reflexology footpaths in many parks in Malaysia. The latest one we saw was in Port Dickson. We tried to walk on these footpaths as it looks very inviting but most of the time but I end up having foot pain every time I step on those pointed stones. Ouch! But maybe it does improve circulation and reduce overall stress if done regularly.

Friday, September 19, 2008

LASIK, Is It Safe?

While I was doing some sort of a survey about LASIK technology a month ago, a fellow blogger commented on my post and said that he has gone through the procedure and he said that it is indeed one of the best decisions he has ever done in his life. Imagine from almost being blind without his eyeglasses, he could see 20/20 (or better ) after the procedure. Amazing! Now he enjoys life better as there were certain simple things that he couldn't do before but he could do now.

Some of you may wonder whether the procedure is safe or not. It is indeed a very safe procedure. As what Steven Schallhorn, M.D , a retired US Navy and leader of the research for Lasik for the DOD siad, “The DOD and NASA have validated the fact that today’s LASIK exceeds all established standards of safety and effectiveness." Several military personel of DOD has undergone the procedure and in 100 of these personnel 95% of them achieved 20/20 vision or better. On the other hand nval aviators who have had Lasik Srugery were also asked if they recommend this procedure to other naval aviators and 100% of them said, they would.

So, if you're in the verge of deciding whether or not to get LASIK, then better browse through their sight for more LASIK information.


Coffee Break

I love coffee, particularly ice or blended coffee. In our family, it has already been a 'ritual' to go to coffee shops at least once a week after dinner. It's kind of a treat for me especially after being in the house the whole day. So, going out for coffee after we eat our dinner at home somehow relaxes me and it also serves as bonding time for our family after a busy day. I don't know but for me, coffee shops gives you an 'unhurried' feeling to leisurely enjoy your cup of coffee, unlike in restaurants especially fastfood shops where you kinda hurry up to finish your meal and get going.

Tricia loves to go to coffee shops too. Of course, we don't order coffee for her but instead shares with her Appa's Lemon Iced Tea.

Here is a list of good coffee shops here in Hatyai.

1) Bansuan Coffee - ( on Thamanonvitee Rd nead Prince of Songkhla University) I think they've got the cheapest coffee in town. That explains why it's number 1 in my list.

2) Coffee Maker- ( Along Rayjindee Rd) Their prices a higher than Bansuan Coffee but still affordable. What keeps us going to Coffee Maker is the ambience of the place. They have comfortable couches and beautiful interior but their service is quite slow.

3) E & P Coffee - ( Niphat Uthit 1) Great Interior, good coffee but their cakes are quite pricey for such a small slice. Price is better than Coffee Maker.

4) Bakery Box - ( Near the Hatyai Post Office) Coffee and the price is okay but their seats are too stiff and sturdy.

5) Coffee Shop in the Tesco Parking Lot - I like their coffee best because it suits my taste buds since they make it a little bit sweeter than usual.

6) 1908 Coffee - They've got great coffee but I think they have the most expensive coffee among all the shops. A cup of Iced Latte costs about 80 Baht! I know this must be cheap for some of you especially if you compare it to Starbucks or other shops, but I'm stingy so I choose my Ice Latte' or Ice Cappucino to be somewhere between 40-60 Baht.

7) Ome BakeShop - Their price is similar to Bansuan Coffee but the taste is not as good. We usually come here when I crave for Chocolate brownies since they have the cheapest brownies in town. :)

Making Multimedia Shows

I have been wanting to do a multimedia show for our work here in Thailand. We were supposed to show it during our organization's anniversary but I never had the time to do it and I thought I was not really capable of doing it.

Now, there is a show from Roxio Extreme Digital Makeover that is dedicated in helping the average Joe get the most out of their digital lives. I've just watched one episode entitled, A Walk in the Park and it's quite interesting on how they taught the people and even the kids how to turn those pictures into fun and interesting ones. And it's not difficult at all! Anyone can make multimedia shows.

Now, I wish I could have known this before and then I could have done the multimedia presentation for our organization.

Watch this show and you can join the contest too! You can get a chance to win some digital goodies like HDTV, cameras and more!


Thankful Thursday 9 ( a delayed entry)

I know that I'm very late for Thankful Thursday, It's already Friday morning here in Thailand.. :) Nevertheless, I have a lot of things to be thankful for to our God.

1) I'm thankful for our organization's 15th year Anniversary. It has been God doing His work along the years. Praise God for HIs faithfulness!

2) I'm thankful our trip to Malacca! A very beautiful town rich in history.. I love the place and I pray that we can go back there and stay for a few days.

3) I thankful that we were able to buy several Christian books .. It's quite a long time since I read a book ( aside from the Bible) and I hope I could set aside time for this too.

4) I'm thankful for wonderful friends in Malaysia, who gave us dinner treats, lunch treats, breakfasts treats. One of our friends even surprised us with a cake, coke and chocolates ( all letter C) as our belated anniversary treat. God is good!

5) I'm thankful for we experience God's provision, protection and presence daily in our lives.

What about you? What are you thankful for this week?

Sky Watch Friday 10

We were in Port Dickson, Malaysia last weekend. We checked in our hotel late in the afternoon, and this was the sight that met us on our way to our room.

Port Dickson is a nice place, though their beach is not that clean and clear but the view is nice and not to mention they have delicious food too.

Of Wedding Suits and Stores

I was browsing through our wedding photos a few days ago and I remembered how my Hubby got his wedding suit. He was in Thailand and that time while I was in the Philippines. My Hubby wanted me to choose the color of his suit so, he had to mail some swatches of the cloth to be used for it and talked about it on the phone over the choice of style, fabric and stuff.

Now, I have found this site that makes mens’ suit at their exact measurements and style preferences. And not only that, you can get to choose everything from fabric, jacket styles, pant styles and other suit details with a consultant to assist you. Never mind if you don't know anything much about custom suit designs, this shop has an consultant that will guide you through each step of the process to create your dream custom suit

If I were to choose for my Hubby, I would like him to have a double breasted jacket, with a flat fronts pants made from a dark navy plaid cloth which is 100% wool. With these preferences, My.Suit Experience can deliver this made to measure suit in two weeks. Are you interested? If you are, then make an appointment to be measured and visit the store!



Thursday, September 18, 2008

In Search for the Americans

Our daughter just loves to be with Americans and talk to them. She's exactly the opposite of me because when I was young, I would run away at the sight of Americans or foreigners for that matter because I was afraid that maybe they would ask me something and I won't be able to answer them :).

Anyways, when we were in Suria, KLCC ( Malaysia) the other day, she noticed there were a lot of foreigners in the mall. I was just observing her, watching them and listening to them. And then with excitement on her face she whispered in my ear, " They can talk in English!". As far as she's concerned, if they have brown hair and can speak English, then they are Americans.

Then , when we were having breakfast, she was busily looking around and finally told her Appa, " I want to talk to the American Uncles and Aunties Appa!". Her Appa refused her request and told her there were no Americans around. BUt them she started to cry and suggested that they go around and look for one. Finally, her Appa gave in they went around for awhile looking for some Americans..and you know what she did everytime she meets one? She would wave her hand and say " Hello!". Some don't hear her say Hello but the others smile back at her and say HI.

She said, she likes the Americans. I asked her why, and then she said, " I like their hair!". I just remember last month while we were watching the olympics from the TV and she was also cheering for the American gymnast ( Johnson) and was sad that the Chinese gymnast won. Everytime Johnson does his stunt, she would say, " I like that American Uncle!". I always asked her, why but then she can't explain why.. and finally, she said, " I like him because I like his armpit! " LOL!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Best Daily Devotional

I consider My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers the best devotional book ever written. It's a book written more than 50 years ago and is filled with beautiful insights and truth from the Bible. Every page is thought provoking, insightful and sometimes painful as it's very direct and breaks through the heart.

I remember reading this devotional for the first time (when I was still in HIgh School) and it was a bit difficult for me to understand because of the depth of the words used. But then, it made me read it slowly, digesting its every truth and indeed it helped me a lot in my spiritual life.

Now, I got hold of another daily devotional book, Streams in The Desert by Mrs. Charles Cowman. Reading the 1st reading itself struck me and reminded me of God's ultimate purpose for my life.

This book has been first released in 1925 and the copies were originally intended just for Mrs. Cowman's friends and family. But presently it has more than 2 million copies in print. Mrs. Cowman was a missionary in Japan and China and in the book were her thoughts, quotations and spiritual inspirations that help sustained her during those years and the time when she was nursing her husband while he was dying. Amazing.. I can't wait to read through her thoughts and writing as to how God has held her and taught her. I can't wait to learn from her experiences with God too.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Of Blogging and Buying a New Domain

I've been blogging for many years now and have seriously done so after I decided to monetize my blog. And to date, we've bought two custom domains for ourselves. Now, I'm contemplating to buy another one for my new blog. To buy or not to buy a new domain? I'm still thinking about it now since I think I already find it a bit difficult to maintain 3 blogs. Hmmm...

For the meantime, let me check out some web hosting directories. I need to find the cheapest web host. I'm looking at one right now and I find their site helpful, it's indeed a complete directory with webhost articles to help newbies and pro alike .

Saturday, September 6, 2008

6th Wedding Anniversary!

I can't believe that it has already been six years since my HUbby and I have vowed together before God and men to love each other, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer ..till death do us part!
  • I can't stop thanking God for His love and faithfulness in our marriage. Imagine, how God has brought two people from different backgrounds, races, nationalities and language in love and understanding. It's indeed God's miracle of Love. For sure, there were a number of challenges and adjustments along the way but at the end, it's God's love that prevails.
  • I can't stop thanking God for giving the 'perfect man' for me. I could still remember 8 years ago how God spoke to me from His word when I asked HIm about Jesu.. Psalms 37:37 " Mark the perfect man for his way is righteous and his end is peace." and only then I considered Jesu to become my Husband. That was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life.
  • I can't stop thanking God for always reminding us in our marriage to love, to trust, to forgive, to laugh and to understand.
  • I can't stop thanking God for HIs strength in times of weaknesses. His hand to lift us up when we almost fall.
  • I can't stop thanking God for His presence and grace in our lives. Thank you Lord!!

For my HUbby!! Jesu , my Baby.. :)

You're indeed God's Gift for me.... Thank you so much for "loving me more"... Thank you for being my bestfriend and my lover. THank you for not just being a loving husband but a loving father to our children. Your love is perfect! Thank you so much and I love you so much!!

This song and slideshow is dedicated to you! I love you so much and I'm not ashamed to announce this to the whole world!! or to the world wide web!!.. hahaha!! Watch this slide, listen and enjoy.. This is my song for you!

Happy 6th Wedding Anniversary!!

With so much love and thanksgiving to God,

Your Lalaine ;)

Please click HERE to view the slideshow.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Web Hosting

We created this blog on March 2008 this year. This was intended to be a personal blog about our family which only to be shared to our families and a few friends. As time went by, we decided to buy a domain for this blog and planned to monetize it. Thus, we bought a domain and it has been called JESULALAINE.com It has been our plan that both of us are going to share in this blog. But, Jesu is too busy even to post Jay's Wednesday. But it's okay, once we're on a break, I assure you, you'll get to see more of his post.
It's really great to have our own domain. It's something that we can truly call 'our own' without the .blogspot or .wordpress on the 'tail'. It's easier for friends and family to remember too. If you plan to have the best web hosting for your site. You better go to this great site I've visited where they have a list and review of all the webhosting providers. And they even have a list of site which offers free domain names.

Thailand Update

Bangkok , Thailand is in the state of emergency. This has been annuonced on Tuesday.
The protests in the Bangkok have already escalated and more aggressive when both parties , the pro-government and anti government protesters have clashed and has resulted to a lot of injuries and deaths. At 2:30 am this morning, 3 were killed at a local Thai tv station. On Tuesday, there was one killed and several injured at the clashes near the government house.
Meanwhile, the protesters are still continuing to block the main entrance of the Hatyai International Airport and has caused the cancellation of several flights.
Also in the news, a restaurant in Muang Songkhla was on fire. Witnesses said a man with a bag went to a toilet at the back and when he went out, an explosion was heard and fire engulfed the restaurant. There hasn't been any update whether this is related to the protests or not.
Oh, I just hope everything will come to an end and in the most peaceful way as possible. I'm sure the Thai economy is already suffering from these issues as more countries have already issued travel warnings against Thailand visits.

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