Tuesday, August 12, 2008

1 Year Break

We are going on a 1 year break starting at the end of the year! Yippee! We are so excited! It is our prayer that this one year break will truly be a refreshing one. We are already doing some kind of preparation for this break as we will be in different places, 1st stop will be the Philippines, and then God willing, to the BIG country, and then Malaysia. Here are some of the things we need to accomplish before all those travels.
  • Sort all our things: things to be thrown away, to be sold, to be given away and be brought to the Philippines, Malaysia and ???. For friends living here in HY, just an announcement, we will be having some kind of a small garage sale party on September 21, 2008 at our house. Everyone is invited!
  • Apply for an international driver's license.
  • Apply for a credit card. So far we only have AMEX and we can't use this to book tickets online. Currently, we're using my MOm or Sis' credit card when we book tickets online.
  • Try to save some money
  • Last but the most important of all...pray..pray pray... that God will lead us the the right places at the right time, God's provision and all HIs purposes will be accomplished through this 1 year break.


LxndreaSB said...

hey lalaine,
r u guys moving somewhere else? thought that ur planning to tour the world or something. doing some mission trips?
hee hee. sorry just curious.
whatever it is, u r in my prayers and God bless u both

Nancie said...

Hi Jesu and Lalaine,

I rejoice with you that you can go on a 1 year break at the end of this year. This is so wonderful! I am praying with you that God will answer your prayers, guide you and provide for your every need.

I thank God that He enables us to meet through Thankful Thursday. I am encouraged by your posts. We have missed you at Thankful Thursday. Hope you can join us again soon.

Thanks for visiting me, your encouragements and prayer. I am thankful to God that I can meet you and many others through blogging. I am in the midst of listing out blogging friends that I like to share 2 awards with. I have included your blog as well. I like to share Share The Love Award and Friendship Award with you. Do come over and receive them when you have time. You can copy the images and paste them to your side bars or posts. And feel free to pass them to your blogging buddies. Take care and God bless you and family always!

With appreciation and prayers,


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