Friday, August 15, 2008

Sad News

We received a very sad news the other day. One of my Hubby's friends from his hometown passed away. He was already engaged and soon to be married.. but he committed suicide. Not because he doesn't want to get married but because he had debts amounting up to 30 thousand ringgit. We're not sure if it's a foul play or not. Since in Malaysia there are these people whom they call as the ' Ah Longs' where they can lend you any amount of money at an instant but the the interest rates will be so high and when the borrower can't pay, they will threaten to hurt the family or the borrower himself until he will be forced to pay. I've heard of some cases, where the Ah Long themselves take the life of the borrower if they refused to pay. So sad...

Back to my Hubby's friend. He could have held on for it could not have been the end of everything. There are various ways and options to pay debts with the help of family, friends and even other companies that do credit report repair . He could have been in a lot of pressures that he thought he couldn't take it.

But you know what, when we are in challenges, pressures and too much of strains, we always have God whom we could ask for help. There is nothing impossible for HIM if we call unto HIM, He will surely answer us.

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