Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lost in KL

We usually travel by car from Thailand to Malaysia. We don't have problems with directions from Hatyai all the way to Klang, since we just follow the North South Hi way and there are signs all over to guide us. But, when it's time to do some 'business' in Kuala Lumpur, we usually get lost inside the big city, since many roads are "one way". So once you miss one turning, then you'll end up in another corner of the city.

But there was this particular day that we called it the LOST Day. We reached the Thai embassy uneventfully and were supposed to meet a friend at a mall , visit another friends place before my Hubby goes to a meeting in a different place. But since it was already late, we canceled the meeting at the mall and proceeded to our friends house.

So from the Thai embassy we went off...we followed some signs that we believed would lead us to the familiar highway we know. But somehow, we got lost with the signs and directions and ended up to a part the state which was so isolated and was already near the mountains. We made a lot of wrong turns and u-turns and finally after more than one hour of looking for that hi-way we found it! Whew!! It was surely not fun to get lost! So after almost two hours in the road, we finally made it to our friends place. If we didnt get lost, that trip could have been made for only 30 mins.

When it was time for my Hubby to go to the meeting, he got lost again, got stuck in the jam for almost 3 hourse and was never able to make it to the meeting.

That's our 'lost' story. So much of time, gas and money wasted when you get lost in a new place. It would be great to have a GPS Insight vehicle tracking system to avoid all these hassles. Another friend even wanted to get one as they also get lost very often and as she jokingly said, "it's not good for the marraige ". Actually, she has a point, since everyone will mostly end up to be cranky and frustrated when you can't find the right road to your destination and then arguments will most likely arise, such as which direction to turn and etc...

Anyway, I've found this site where they have such product and offers a lot of other additional features plus GPS Insight support wiki for customers and even a Blog for GPS vehicle tracking. This product will also be great for trucking companies and those doing delivery services. Cool! huh! I'm sure, a lot of things could be saved by GPS : time, money, fuel and ... marriages?? ;)

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