Friday, August 15, 2008

Discount Caravan

I've just read the news about one of the projects from the Philippine Government called the 'Diskwento Caravan' or literally translated as Discount Caravan in English. This Discount Caravan is a government-sponsored flea market where manufacturers sell basic consumer and pharmaceutical products at prices lower than those sold in commercial establishments. It goes around Metro Manila at certain dates and places. The aim of this project is said to ease the financial burden of low-income earning Filipinos.

I find the project good but I think it will be too big a task to say that this project will ease the financial burden of the the people. Why? Because as what I read and understand, there is only 1 of this Caravan and it doesn't go out and sell to the people everyday. For sure this project won't reach the 80 Million population of the country and it's effect will only be very miniscule . Well, anyway at least the Government is doing something, but I hope it'll try harder to reach the masses and not just the selected few.

The people in the Philippines are really financially challenged with the increase of prices of all the commodities and I'm not sure if the monthly minimum wage has already increased or not. Sure enough, many people would opt for cash advances, loans, credits, fast payday loans , and other methods to make ends meet. I just hope that there will indeed be a change in the future.

God bless the Philippines!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, for one, didnt know about it until i read your how weird is that!hehe...(a local news being relayed to me from a foreign land)
well, i just dont know how efficient and effective that project is in trying to ease the burden of the Filipinos...well, i just hope na sana maging creative at well-thought of ang mga plano ng government for its constituents...


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