Friday, August 3, 2012

Thank You Lord for 36!

Yesterday was my birthday! And I truly thank God for the blessed 36 years that He has given me. Oh, never mind if I've just divulged my age on the world wide web, my heart is just filled with overflowing with joy that indeed God has been with me for the past 36 years. I thank God for His great love that even before I was born, He already knows who I am and the plans He has for me. I thank God for giving me my family who loves me unconditionally and for friends who are always there.

It is my earnest desire and prayer and God will be glorified in my life now and and forevermore! To God be the glory!

1 comment:

Luke Holzmann said...

Happy Birthday! And may the goodness of God continue to spill out of you to those around you!



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