Saturday, August 25, 2012

Our Thai Mother's Day

12th of August is the Queen of Thailand's birthday and also their Mother's Day. This day is really so special with the Thais as they pay tribute to the Queen and also to all the mothers around the country.

In the church, there was a special program for the Mothers which left everyone so touched and teary eyed. And since it was a special day for the Thai mothers, we thought of baking special cupcakes for our neighbors. So after church, I hurriedly baked and decorated the cupcakes and delivered them to our neighbors. My kids were with me during the delivery and they were the one who actually handed the cupcakes to our neighbors with a matching 'Suk San Wan Meh!' greeting. Our neighbors were so happy with their little surprise and it surely brought a smile on their face. We're glad to bless our neighbors and we hope that soon they will receive the greatest Blessing of all!

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