Thursday, August 30, 2012

Excited for December!

I find my kids talking more about their upcoming Christmas vacation to the Philippines these days. They're indeed looking very much forward to spend time with their cousins there and of course have a lot of fun!

Oh, I'm also excited! Originally, we didn't plan to go back for a visit this year since we just went last year. But with the flood experience last year with my Mom and sister's house being washed away from the flood, it seemed that the 2 week stay that we had last year was not enough. It seemed that we were really not able to have quality bonding time with family since everyone was still unsettled as to where to live and what to do next.

But we praise God that He has arranged everything now and my sisters and mom already have houses to live in. Though these are not exactly gulf shores real estate but houses where they can live very much comfortably and without the fear of another flood whenever it rains because this time their houses are already far from the river side.

We truly praise God for His favor..and we are looking forward to spend more time with family at the end of this year.

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