Sunday, August 19, 2012

My Free Hotel Voucher

God's favor is amazing! I won another free hotel voucher on one of the contests that I joined in Facebook. I just received my hotel voucher a couple of weeks ago and still yet to confirm my booking.

I can't remember how many times I've already won a contest, but everytime I win, I still get amazed by it. Oh, it doesn't matter whether the prize is a free trip to Las Vegas or 10$ from Paypal, but it's still a great blessing to win something. Oh by the way, I haven't won a free trip to Las Vegas yet, but we did win a free trip to Jakarta a few year back. But sadly, Hubby and I were not able to push through with the free trip since the tickets were only good for 2 people and our kids were still small at that time. Oh, we didn't have the heart to leave our kids by then.

Anyways, I'm just happy and excited over these 'small' ( small for others but they're already BIG for me!) and unexpected surprises. So, whenever there's a 'simple' ( one that doesn't require a lot of time in joining) contest that I come across, I will surely try to join.

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