Thursday, August 30, 2012

Colder Days

It has been raining here in the city for the past days. I actually like it when it rains because it makes our house cooler and there is no need for those air conditioner phoenix . Rainy days also makes me want to just laze around and eat Champorado ( or as what my kids call as Chocolate rice). So, I did exactly just that about 2 days back. I cooked Champorado for breakfast and spent more time sitting down and reading a book. Oh, never mind if I was supposed to be busy homeschooling my kids. They were also busy reading their books or drawing on the countless A4 sized papers. There are just times that I somehow take a break in between the busyness as a stay-at-home and homeschooling mom. These are much needed breaks especially if you're attending the needs of the children 24/7.

Anyways, back to the rain... I also like the kind of rain that we have these days. They're not so heavy nor continuous. So, somehow I'm at peace that this is the type of rain that doesn't flood the city. Oh, we don't want more floods and we're really praying that we won't have to experience another flood in our lives. :)

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