Friday, September 30, 2011

Touching One's Life

Today we received a letter from the Pastor of the Community Center in which our sponsored child (from Compassion Intl.) is going to school. I just can't help but be teary-eyed reading the letter just as I was when I read the letter from our sponsored child. Indeed, we are grateful to God for being a blessing and touching a life in Kenya even if we don't know if we could ever get a chance to see him or to step on his country. Sponsoring H. K. is a step of faith for us too as have to commit in supporting the educational needs on a monthly basis. But we know that just as how God as led us in sponsoring H.K., He will continue to provide so we could support him. But one thing for sure, our hearts are overflowing with joy knowing that through His grace , we are touching one life in Kenya.

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