Friday, September 9, 2011

We're Back

We're back from Malaysia and I should say we had a tremendous and blessed week there. The conference that we attended was very awesome. We also had a great time being with friends and family. Then before we head home, we dropped by and visited the Logos Hope ship in Penang. Oh, I panicked when I saw a lot of books. If there weren't a lot of people at that time ( because it was a Sunday), I should have spent hours and hours in there and maybe spent a lot too. So, in a way it's good that the crowd was there.. ;)

Overall, I thank God for being with us the whole week. We also thank God for a pleasant journey as we just drove to and from Malaysia. I enjoyed looking at the great scenery along the Perak area and the manufactured homes along the high way in the North.

Next, we're looking forward for our trip to the Philippines! Yipee!

1 comment:

Actos Injury Attorneys said...

I also love books, and i would read a lot more than i usual do but i don't quite have the time. Time is crucial nowadays.


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