Wednesday, March 9, 2011

You Can Change the World Book

Our friends have given our kids the book from Operation World, " You Can Change The World'. It's really a wonderful book to use with the kids to make them aware of the unreached people's group and pray for them.

Just the other week, after we read and prayed about the street children in South America, my li'l girl was in tears. She felt so sad about what the street children are experiencing and has said a heartfelt prayer for them. She even gathered all her toys and collected all the loose coins the next day and said she wanted to give them to the street children. Then she also remembered her friend, Judah who's a streetkid. She has actually been praying for him for a long time and is sad that he's not going back to his foster parent's home.

Oh, I'm just blessed with my li'l girl's heart. She indeed has a compassionate heart of an intercessor. I pray that as she grows she will be able to develop this heart for the peoples and be used as blessing for many.

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