Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Forgotten Appointment

My li'l girl was supposed to go to the dentist this last month. But I totally forgot which date she was to go. You see, the dentist has set this appointment for her to come 3-4 months earlier. They didn't give us any appointment card but just told us the date. I also didn't bother listing out the date because the clinic usually calls us 2-3 days before the said appointment.

Oh, I just have to call them tomorrow and ask them to reschedule my daughter's dental appointment. We kinda miss going to the dentist.. :) We've been frequently been going there several months ago for my girl's root canal treatment. It's a child-friendly dental clinic with their dentists wearing something like a lab coat and the assistants wearing pastel colored scrubs and not the usual green scrubs. I like the interior design of the clinic too. My son also enjoys going there as he can play in the play area while waiting for his elder sister.

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