Monday, November 1, 2010

Thank God For Safety

There is a major flood in the city of Hat Yai now. But I consider it as a miracle that our house is not flooded. You see, our drainage in our neighborhood has some problems and even on the summer heat, it'll be full halfway. A heavy downpour for at least two hours will fill the drain so fast and that same water would enter our kitchen and sometimes dining area. We've experienced this a lot of times already.

But guess what, just last Saturday, some workers from the municipal came to clean up our drainage. They took out all the things that got stuck the drain water has really lowered. Then came the heavy downpour since yesterday. It rained non-stop and that caused the flood in most parts of the city. But miraculously, our neighborhood was spared and our drain didn't get full. Praise God!

Still our hearts are with most of the people here in the South. We're praying continuously that the rain would come to a complete stop. It's not raining now as I'm typing this post and I praise God for that. Thank You Lord for keeping us safe and answering our prayers!

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