Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hat Yai Flood Photos

Here are a few of the photos that my Hubby took during the flood on the 2nd of November this year. Our area wasn't the most affected area since it only reached until the waist level, but some areas have the flood water as high as 2-3 meters high.

During the time of the flood, I can't help but pray and think about the people who are living in one story houses. The current of the flood waters were really strong and one can see the people struggling to walk straight in the water. Praise God that most of the people in Hat Yai have been safe during the flood. And it's our prayer that those people who have been badly affected will be able to recover soon.

And here is my friend's photo of the flood on her area. The water almost reached the 2nd floor. But thank God she's safe.

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