Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fun and Busy Week

It's just now that I realized that it has been a week since my last post here. Well, I've been having a fun and busy week with our family and friends here in the city. So, that explains my absence from the blog world and even the internet world. And who would want to be glued to the internet when the 'real' people are already there in front of you to chat with "live"!

Oh, it has been really fun and I can't count how many times I've been giggling and laughing over many 'Filipino jokes' told by our Filipino 'guests'. Just this tonight we all went out for roti and tea and I guess, we were the nosiest in the shop. But it's good that the shop also had music playing over so, our laughter were 'muted' by the music.

Praise God for provision and for family who can regularly visit us here. Just a few months ago, my brother's family came and now my MOm and sister's family are here. We're really blessed with all their visits.

Okay, I better go's already quite late and I'm so sleepy now that I could go to sleep even without natural sleep pills .

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