Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thankful Thursday - June 17

This week has been an exciting week for me. Here are my Thankful lists for this week:

1) I thank God for our homeschool materials have finally arrived! I know I've been posting about me being excited for homeschooling my girl and I can finally start next week..:)

2) I thank God for time spent with friends from Malaysia. Even if this week has been packed with a lot of visitors but it's always a great blessing to spend time with friends.

3) I thank God for the safe travel of my Hubby and daughter to and fro Malaysia.

4) I thank God for all the gifts and stuff we received from family in the Philippines. Our in laws also gave us some beautiful indian suits from India.

4) I thank God for everything that He has done and is doing in our lives.

For more Thankful Thursday entries please click the badge below.

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