Sunday, June 13, 2010

Flat Tire

I was already planning to be brave tomorrow and drive all the way to Carrefour with my li'l boy. We have to go out and buy a bit of groceries for Tuesday's lunch. But then when I saw the car this afternoon, I realized that the rear tire is flat. So, there goes my plan to be 'brave'. Hehehe! Now, I'm not sure how to buy our groceries tomorrow. It'll be too tiring for me to walk all the way to Carrefour with my Li'l boy because I'm sure he would want to be carried after a few meters.

Maybe I'll ask someone to help us in putting air on the flat tire. I think there's a nearby repair shop here since I saw some rear spoilers being displayed in the shop.

Hmm.. now, I'm already a bit nervous if ever I push through in driving to Carrefour with my li'l boy. Hehehe!

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