Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thanful Thursday - May 27

  • The past week has indeed been a beautiful week since we have seen the 'answer' to what we've been praying for months. Praise God for HIs great blessings!
  • I'm also thankful that we've finally ordered my li'l girl's homeschool materials after waiting for several months.
  • I'm thankful for my li'l girl is happy and excited to go to her Thai school everyday . It's her 3nd week in school now, gained new friends and can write the Thai scripts! Amazing!
  • I'm also thankful that I am more confident to drive and fetch my girl from her school. Her school is not that far though but it's a big accomplishment for me already. :)
  • I'm thankful for the blissful weekend we had in Krabi! It was indeed a great break for the family. Thank God for our 'family' blessing!
  • I'm especially thankful for God's presence, protection, favor and love in our lives day adter day. Thank you so much, Lord!
For more THankful Thursday entries please click the badge above.

Missing The Bathtub

We've just came from our short break where our kids enjoyed swimming in the pool, the beach and the bathtub to the maximum.

When we arrived home, my li'l girl exclaimed, " I miss the bathtub! I hope we can have a bathtub".. then she was chattering away that she will pray that we will put a bathtub in our bathroom. LOL! I can't help but be amused with my girl. Well, if a bathtub is her dream fixture for our bathroom then I would say that it would also be nice to have a bath vanity. Having a bath vanity indeed increase the value for our home and be an upgrade. But then again, it's just one of those 'dreams' that will just remain a dream and it's not of a priority.

Funny Ads

This post is sponsored by

One thing I like in watching Thai TV is their advertisements. Unlike in the Philippines where I get so impatient over a long queue of advertisements in between, I actually look forward for Thai advertisements. I guess, it also has to do with the fact that I understand the advertisements better (since they're short and more visual) than the programs itself. Well, about the Thai advertisements, their usually funny and even sometimes weird and out of this world. But sometimes we just couldn't help laughing out loud with their silly ads.

Anyways, speaking of advertisements, I've heard of Frink Inc. which creates great video production for any kind of businesses.

Chaos No More

Last week, we've been glued in the news both in the internet and the TV to see the latest happenings in Bangkok. It was really sad to see all the chaos and war that has happened and all we could do was to pray. And thank God that things seems to be under control now and Bangkok is slowly getting back on its feet. It's just so sad that many people died and got wounded by their protests which were supposed to be peaceful.

With all the chaos at that time, I'm sure many people would have considered moving to the surrounding provinces to be away from danger. When places are in danger or economy is not very good, residents really consider moving out to more peaceful places or find greener pastures Just like in Southern California, there's a current housing market collapse and people are moving. It is important to find good and reliable movers at this time too. So, many people are in search for great Irvine movers, Carlsbad movers or San Diego movers .

I could just remember the time when we moved house. We didn't have to hire movers because the house the house that we move to was just a few houses away from the old house. My Hubby even once just walked with his arms full of our things from the old house. :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Finally, a Concrete Road

After almost 8 years in this neighborhood, a concrete road is finally being built on the way to our house. For many years this road has been rocky and dusty during the summer and very muddy during the rainy seasons.

Now it's already quite a comfortable 'ride' on the way to our house. We really like the house that we are renting now. It's quite smaller compared to the other house ( in the same neighborhood) which we stayed before but we like the floor plan for this house better. It's like based form modern house plans . We actually have a 3 year rental contract for this house and we're not sure whether we have to extend it after 3 years. But it is seldom to have a house for rent with this floor plan here in Thailand. Most of the houses here has like a 'shop lots' as home plans where the ground floor is very open and can also serve as the garage and all the other rooms can be found on the second floor. I haven't yet encountered houses with a craftsman house plans here but it would be nice to have this kind of design for our house near the river in the Philippines.

Crying Over A Movie

I don't usually cry when watching movies but there are certain movies that are just so touching that I can't help but cry. And yesterday, I cried when I was watching a movie about a dog called Hachiko. It's just a very touching movie about how this dog was so loyal to his master and waited for him for more than 10 years to return.

This really tells us about friendship and love. If a dog can love and be loyal like that and how much for us. This move is actually based on true story.

Keeping It Safe

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of - Safe storage for your important documents. All opinions are 100% mine.

When we experienced the flood last year. We didn't have time to pack our belongings since we had to evacuate our house immediately for us and the children to be safe. And it's a good thing, that I didn't forget to keep our important documents safe. My mom did the same and we're so thankful that we kept it safe. I couldn't image the hassles and the costs incurred if we forgot to bring those documents with us.

Now, I have heard of iSigned - secure online storage for legal and other important documents .I really think this is a great idea since keeping the hard copy of documents have greater chances of being lost, forgotten or destroyed. One of the best thing about is that you just don't get to keep and organize your important documents but you also get to share them with people concerned.

Anyways, I just signed up for a free trial and saw that the process to upload, store, organize and share the documents is very easy. So, if you have important documents that you want them to be secure, then you might want to try to sign up for an account and see for yourself.

Visit my sponsor: Review iSigned

The Break

Thank God for a few days break for our family. It was indeed a great break for us. Our kids enjoyed every minute of it and so did I.

Now, we're back home and I feel more refreshed and more energized to move on and do the things which I'm supposed to do. I guess that's one of the reasons why it's always good to have a break. It takes away burnt out as you have more time to take care of yourself, a time to stop, think and pray more.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Intermission: Carpet Cleaners

Old and dirty carpets always have that moldy and musty smell and the only way to preven this is by cleaning them, right? If you're from Austin and looking for Carpet Cleaners in Austin, you can always search online and to find the best carpet cleaners.

So, it's time to say good bye to your dirty carpets now and say hello to freshly cleaned ones!

Thank You Lord!

Praise God to whom all blessings flow.
Praise HIm all creatures here below
Praise God oh sun and heavenly host.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

This is the song of my heart today. My heart is just so thankful to God for everything that He has done in our lives. We don't deserve such favor and such blessings but it is by His grace and mercy alone.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

For Caregivers

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of NMEDA. All opinions are 100% mine.

Those are caring for the elderly and disabled are indeed people who are worthy to be honored. It's not an easy task to take care of someone. And it's not also easy for people with disability to move around and do things as normally as they did before. That's why choosing the best mobility equipment is indeed very important. Those mobility equipment that can be bought out right from the shops might not meet the needs of the person concerned and would very much limit ones mobility and would need to be more dependent with the caregiver. Situations like this can be a bit frustrating for the elderly or disabled and even tiring for the caregiver.

The NMEDA has dealers who have the best standards in providing mobility equipment for the elderly and the disabled. They advocate in providing safe, reliable vehicles and modifications to enhance accessibility for all people. They make sure that each equipment is custom fitted to the consumers lifestyle and needs. NMEDA also has Quality Assurance Program dealers who practices the principle of systematic and documented approach to quality in order to fully satisfied their customers.

If you want to know more about NMEDA, feel free to visit their site where you can check whether you have and NMEDA dealer near you.

Visit my sponsor: NMEDA

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Winner Who Didn't Know

A few nights ago, my Hubby was surfing the net and accidentally he saw his name on one of the websites. It has been announced on that website that he has been one of the winners of their contest! When we looked at the date, we then found out that the deadline of redemption of prizes have already passed. It wasn't a big contest but we were amused that it's the second time that my Hubby has won a contest.

I guessed the reason why we never knew that Hubby won the contest was because they contacted the winners by phone and we were in Philippines by the time the contest winners were notified. Anyways, it's really true that the more you enter different contests, the more chances of winning one! :)

On Golf and Scuba Diving

I have always thought of golf as a sport for the rich and famous. So, I'm always impressed to see women golfers with their stylish women’s golf clothing and women’s golf accessories. They do have a specialized womens golf apparel and I just came across a site that offers beautiful and trendy ones.

But if there was something that I want to learn, I'm very interested to try out scuba diving. It has always been my dream to scuba dive and see the beauty underwater. I did attempt to join the scuba diving club way back in college and I passed the test but then, I backed out as soon as I found out that they have too many out of town trips. Out of town trips would mean more time taken away to finish my projects and money to set aside for the trip expenses. I didn't have both so, I had to set aside my 'scuba diving' dreams and go on with my university life.

Now, being married and with two kids, I still wonder whether I could get a chance to make that 'dream' a reality. It's actually just a very simple dream but then, I think I'm not as brave now as I was before.

Once Healthy and It Felt Good

Last month, I promised myself to be eat healthily and exercise regularly. I actually did for 27 days. And then, I took a 'break' for the weekend, had Coke, fries and cake for my daughter's birthday and sadly I was not able to back to healthy 'living'. I think I also got a bit discouraged because I expected to lose a lot of weight from my 'healthy' routine but was disappointed to find out that I didn't lose much weight as I hoped for. So, I guess the 'losing weight' part was more important to me that changing into a healthy lifestyle huh? But I really felt good doing that.

Anyways, I'm going to try again to eat healthily and exercise regularly. This time, I won't give myself a 'break'. Because if I want to make healthy living as a lifestyle, then there shouldn't be any break for it right? But the problem is whether I will be able to do it or not.. Heheh!

For other people, they have a lot of other options in shedding their weight off through Cold Laser Treatment like the Cold Laser Fat Reduction by Zerona Laser . This is said to have no dangers associated with surgery since this is a not an invasive surgery. It's actually my first time hearing about this and it's quite interesting huh?

Anyways, my journey for healthy living is on and of course I want to do it the natural way. You can find more information about it in my fitness blog. :)

Levi's Girl

During our time , I mean our younger years, Levi's jeans were so popular ( and expensive) that wearing them is like something to be proud of. My Mom did buy us a few pairs of Levi's jeans and we were so happy and was like on top of the world. Then, after I graduated, I got the opportunity to work with the company too. Then, that was the time that I don't wear any other jeans except Levi's jeans. So, that made me a Levi's girl. :)
But as I left the job , got married and have kids the story changed and I don't even own a pair now. Oh, wait , I did have 2 pairs but had to give them away since they were too small for me already. And now there are other brand names and signature jeans that have become popular. And since I'm not very updated with the fashion industry these days, I won't have any idea which brand is good, hip and in fashion. But as I've browsed through a site that sells Discount Designer Jeans, it was there that I found out about Miss Me Jeans and the Seven Jeans Sale. So, gone are the days of Levi's jeans since more and more brands are coming up in the market.

Our House Interior

Here is a glimpse of our living room. We are really trying to make our house as cozy as possible and we don't have to spend a lot of money to achieve this but just a little bit of imagination and innovation.

We kinda done with our living room and our next project will be to do up our guest room. We do want to let our guests be comfortable when they come to visit us. We've had the opportunity to stay at our friends houses in Malaysia and we really loved our experience as 'guests' in their houses especially staying in a nice guestroom. And we would want to our guests to feel the same when they stay in our house.

As of now, we only have a double bunk bed in the guest room and a double mattress on the floor. So, I plan to put up some floral designs on the walls aside from investing on a platform bed. We've found some nice floral design wall stickers ( like stencils) at Lee Gardens for only 15 Baht per sheet. We bought for our li'l girl's room and it was awesome! It looked like the real stencils and no one would think that it only costs 15 Baht per sheet!:)

As for the guest room's windows, I'm thinking whether to put natural wood blinds, relaxed roman shades or plain curtains. There are custom blinds online but I guess I would have to opt for curtains at the moment and thing about the blinds later.

Furniture Blessings

We are just so blessed because we are under an organization that takes good care of us. When we moved to our new home, we were provided with a set up budget to buy our basic furniture and furnishings. So, we just had to go to different furniture shops and chose sofas, beds and dining tables that can fit our budget.

I remember that we 'shopped' at the end of the year so, there was this particular shop which had a clearance sale. And we bought most of our stuff there since the furniture on display has more than 50% off its price tags. Amazing! I especially love our dining table, even if its not dining furniture san diego but it's 6 seater and has a nice design. We couldn't find that price for a six seater elsewhere. We also bought our queen sized bed from that shop. It's a platform bed with the mattress included. We thought sofa beds san diego would be too small for us, so we just chose a queen sized bed. I already forgot the brand of our mattress but it's quite good since we don't experience back aches unlike from out mattress before. A simmons san diego mattress must be good but we didn't find that here.

So, those are our furniture blessings.. and we're thankful to God for everything.

This is not a photo of our dining table. I just found this photo online and liked it.

On Home Remodeling And Design

No, we're not planning to remodel our home and besides this is not our own home and we are just renting it out. But if we are to have our own home, I would want to have a big kitchen and a spacious bathroom. I think having a beautiful kitchen would inspire me to cook and bake some goodies while a spacious bath will be a place to just relax and rejuvenate.

I remember that our family is always in awe as we walk through Home Pro's toilet and bath section. They truly have luxurious baths which are beautifully designed. I don't know whether they have Walk In Tubs For Elderly though. There must be special additional requirements for the elderly since their safety is a major concern at this stage. But I do know that there are sites that offer services and can do Boise Bathroom Remodeling or Replacement Bathtubs .

I really love to visit showrooms and furniture centers, I just like looking at these stuff though not necessarily wanting to acquire them. I guess its because I finished Interior design. Even if it seems like I have completely forgotten about this so- called profession of mine but maybe there will still be a chance for it to be 'remembered' if given the opportunity. Hmmm... just maybe...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Trent Jordan and Marketing

I've just come across an article written by Trent Jordan. In this article he shared about the 2 powerful ways to market your product. It's true that having a great product is not enough and the bigger challenge is how to let the people or rather the whole world know about it. Trent Jordan shares the power of SEO and Social Media. He also has expertise on social media and has tips on how you can or your business adapt to the new world of business. If you want to find out more, then try to visit Trent Jordan's blog now.

This is a sponsored post.

Watery Wednesday - Fountain

My Hubby and 2 kids so engrossed at looking at the water fountain. This was taken in one of the parks near my cousin's place in Hong Kong. It's really nice how they have parks, playgrounds and water fountains in almost every area.

For more Watery Wednesday entries, please click the badge below.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Birthday Plans

We don't have big birthday plans for our li'l girl's 6th birthday this coming Saturday. I think after giving fancy birthday parties for the past 5 years, it's about time to celebrate it in a simpler way.

We talked to our girl weeks before and asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday. She really didn't have any preferences which was good. So, we just suggested to have her birthday with the kids in the outreach which we visit every Saturday. She got excited with idea and immediately agreed. The kids in the outreach belong to families who are not so privileged and some of them are even just abandoned on the streets by their parents. So, we planned to give out some loot bags/party bags for them with cupcakes and drinks. Our girl will also cut her cake with them. It'll be a unique celebration for our li'l girl as she has been celebrating her birthdays with neighbors , friends and relatives for the past years. I'm sure it'll be a blessing to the outreach kids and for our li'l girl too.

So, that means I have to start preparing for her birthday tomorrow. We don't really need much preparation since I just need to bake some cupcakes and pack her party bags. So, therefore I won't need a Self Storage Facility for now. But when the time comes when I need a place to store our things, I do know where to go.

Thankful Thurday - May

It's the month of May and it's not just Mother's day we are celebrating this month but my daughter's 6th birthday. I thank God for bringing my li'l girl into this world. I know that God has a purpose in her life.

I thank God for His daily protection and provision in our lives. Indeed He is the God who is sufficient.

I'm thankful for His grace daily. Being with a talkative 6 year old girl and a 2 and a half very, active and energetic boy 24/7 ( with an introvert mom ) is not an easy job. Every day I cry out for God for His extra patience, strength and grace. And praise God that I can go through every day with joy ( and sometimes tears..) :)

I'm thankful for we're almost ordering our homeschool materials and our li'l girl's going to Thai school next week too.

I thank God for His love and presence day by day..

For more THankful Thurday entries, please visit Laurie of Women Taking A Stand.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Precious Metal

I'm not so fond of gold jewelry. I like silver jewelry better. I find it more casual and practical. But for most people especially the business people, they would want to invest in gold more. Yes, I know that gold is indeed a good investment as its value appreciates even more than the paper money.

With the economy that hasn't been very good lately, many businessmen buy gold bullion as their investment. I'm sure they will never regret this decision as it will really become more valuable as time goes by. And guess what, there is also such thing as silver bullion and some people say that it's still a good investment.

My Li'l Girl Is Turning 6 !

Another 2 more days and our li'l girl is turning 6 years old! Wow!Time indeed flies so fast. It only seemed like yesterday when I first held her in my arms.

She has indeed grown more independent and responsible as time went by. She has been my constant little helper in the house as she loves to fold clothes, clean her room, prepare breakfast and do other things. She has been very inquisitive regarding spiritual issues and I can see that she has grown in her faith in the Lord. I can' express the joy in my heart as she constantly 'compose' her own worship songs, sing praise to God before she prays and goes to bed.

Children are indeed a great blessing from God and I trust that God has His own purpose for my li'l girl.

A blessed birthday to our precious princess, Tricia!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

On Medication

No, I'm not on medication. But I've just read about an acne medication called Accutane that can heal your acne problems but can also have some negative side effects and health risks. There have been several Accutane Lawsuits as more and more people have experienced the negative effects as a result of using the product.

Are you familiar with this product? Have you tried using this product? How do you feel about this medication? Have you seen any of their ads? What are the dangerous side effects? If you want to know about this medication and its effects, the site might be helpful to you.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Yummy Sunday - Chester's Grill

We haven't been to Chester's Grill for a long time. And when the time came when we ran out of choices for a place to eat we tried Chester's Grill . And guess what, our li'l girl loved it. She love's the chicken and especially the rice with the yummy sauce on top. We were even surprised that she finished her plate of food so fast! So, I guess we would be coming to this place more often now, since it's only very seldom that our li'l girl can finish her food fast.


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