Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thankful Thursday 5

Another Week has passed and it's time for Thankful Thursday!! Actually, we're out of town at this moment as this is a pre dated post so forgive me If I'm not writing accdg to the theme. :)

  • I thank God for His love endures forever.
  • I'm thankful for God's strength and grace as we go through each day.
  • I'm thankful for friends in Malaysia who are allowing us to stay in an apartment (for free!) as we stay here in Ipoh for a conference and a bit of holiday :)
  • I'm thankful and looking forward for time to be spent with my in-laws family this weekend. I've got the greatest mother-in law and that's really a LOT to be thankful to GOd for :)
  • I'm thankful for God's daily provision and protection in our lives.
That's all for now and looking forward for your thankful posts too. I can't immediately read and reply your comments as we are out of town now but I'll get back to you as soon as we're back home. God bless!


Unknown said...

Just returned from vacation too. Hope yours is wonderful. Hugs!

Denise said...

Sweet blessings to you.

Princess said...

Yes, a great mother-in-law is something to be grateful for! I have one and I hope I am one!
Nice thankful list.

Anonymous said...

you're blessed to have a wonderful MIL. blessings to you, jesulalaine!

i said...

A wonderful MIL is much to be thankful for! Hope you have a great time in Malaysia.

Remain blessed!

A Stone Gatherer said...

Funny, I think your thankful list fits right in with the theme of Trust! In just about everyone I could see where you trust and are trusted! Blessings!

Kristi said...

A great mother-in-love is much to be thankful for!


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