Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thankful Thursday 3

1) I'm thankful for a beautiful week that God has given us. Even if things are quite busy but we still get to spend quality time with family.

2) I'm thankful for God's constant direction in our lives. Even if there are still some 'uncertainties' or decisions that has to be made for the future, but we trust that He will eventually reveal to us and lead us to the right 'path' as we seek His will.

3) I'm thankful for friends which we consider as family constantly around us to work with, to encourage each other and pray with.

4) I'm thankful that God gave us great, loving and godly parents. Last June 27th was my father's 4th death anniversary, we miss him a lot but will for ever be greatful to God for giving us such a great father.


Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about your dad. i'm glad how God is working in your life. God bless you!

bp said...

Have a great day. I'm thankful for my dear close friends as well.

Laurie Ann said...

Have a great TT and 4th. I'm so sorry about your dad. I imagine you miss him dearly.

Addicted to Beadz said...

What a great list of TT. My Dad passed away almost 8 years ago. We still miss him, but so thankful as well for a great Dad whom we will see again one day.

Be Blessed ~

Anonymous said...

what a lovely TT. God's direction . . . where would I be without that?

Thanks for sharing, blessings.

eph2810 said...

I think it is great that God surrounds us with wonderful family and friends that pray for each other.

I am sorry about your dad - I know how it feels - I still miss mine after 18 years...

Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.

Blessings to you and your precious family.


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