Saturday, July 12, 2008

Coming SOon! Jay's Wednesday!

I'm so excited and happy to announce that ..after so much of convincing, persuading and forcing my HUbby, he has finally agreed to write some posts here in our blog. LOL! The domain aslobears his name so it's just right for him to also contribute as a co owner of this blog isn't? LOL!!

As a start, he will have a weekly post called Jay's Wednesday. His posts will be more on tips and tricks on making some improvised gadgets and stuff. You know the guy's stuff. This has been his hobby lately. He thinks that he's not so good in writing about life, reflections and etc. I don't think so and I know that once he gets the blogging bug he'll soon be writing his heart out. hehehe!

So, hope to see you here on Jay's Wednesday! ;)

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