Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday 4

Oh, I almost forgot that it's Thursday today...Usually, I make my TT list on wednesday, it's Thursday noon here in Thailand..and I'm glad that I remembered it.

1) I thank God for a lovely date with my Hubby last Saturday night. We truly enjoyed the evening and it was our first time after a loonnn time to go to a cozy, romantic place since we just usually go to a coffee shop for our night outs :)

2) I also thank God for our regular couples devotion together. We're using a good material where we could discuss very important matters that couldn't have just surface in our day to day conversation with kids. Truly refreshing.

3) I thank God for another day out with my daughter and spent time with each other too.. I also enjoyed window shopping to the maximum. :)

4) I thank God for a pearly white tooth has already surfaced from my almost 9 month old son's gum. SO cutee! :)

5) I thank God for giving us a sign for our upcoming major trip next year. My Hubby and I were not sure if we push on our desires and plans for the TRIP so, we asked God for a sign until September. BUt surprisingly, it's only July and God already gave us a sign and it's 'written' almost everywhere! hahaha! Now we could move on and pray, and plan in faith..Thank you Lord..we're so excited!!

That's all for now..I'm truly amazed with God's faithfulness and answers to our prayers..even the most minute detail, He answers.

God bless you ALL!

* While you're here.. you might want to join my contest and get a chance to win a Thai Decorative Letter Holder..details are on the top page..thanks! :)


Anonymous said...

I agree, the Lord does answer our prayers ... sometimes it might not be what we want, but it's always for the best. :)

Denise said...

Bless your thankful heart sweetie.

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I know I'm thankful when I get a date with my husband lol. Cherish the moments that's for sure.

Aisha said...

I pray you'll be able to make the trip! :) Great thankful post. Happy Thankful Thursday!

Darlene said...

Great list of thanks!
Date nights with hubby are awesome!
I need to plan one soon!
Thanks for the reminder.

Have a fabulous day!

Kristi said...

Your beautiful, thankful heart, shines through your written words and blessed me today.

Tracy said...

What a beautiful list! Thank you for sharing these sweet blessings with us.

Tracy = )

southmsmomof4 said...

Thank the Lord for answered prayers. Thanks for sharing your grateful heart with us this week. Be blessed.

eph2810 said...

I am glad that you remembered to share your grateful heart with us this week :)
Cool that you and your beloved went on a romantic night out :) - that is indeed something we need to treasure when the children are little.
Sweet that you are having plans for next year for a getaway.

Blessings to you and your precious family...


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