Monday, November 26, 2012

The Rainbow

My son spotted this beautiful rainbow from our window first. He was so excited to see it since according to him, it's his first time to see a rainbow. But I do remember pointing to him the rainbow a few times when we were travelling. Anyways, we all looked out and spent a few minutes admiring the rainbow and it was only then I remembered to grab my camera. That's how slow I am as photographer. LOL! By the time I went back upstairs, the rainbow wasn't as clear as we first saw it. 

Anyways, seeing a rainbow is always a beautiful experience. I couldn't remember I time when I saw a rainbow and immediately looked away. It's just too beautiful to behold. It reminds us of God's beauty and His faithfulness. Remember, the rainbow is a sign of promise? We have truly have an amazing God. He speaks to us even through His beautiful creation. 

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