Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Good Morning Sunshine!

Here is my daughter waking up 'all smiles'. She was ready to seize the day as it was their 'holiday'. That same morning, I wanted to sleep in but my son woke me up with a cheery ' It's Morning!!!' wake up call. I asked him to give me another 5 minutes to sleep since it's also 'my holiday' but he just refused to do so. He was shaking me and forcing me to wake up. After waking up and doing my morning routine, I woke my daughter up with a camera on hand and this is the smile she greeted me. Yes, no matter how tiring it was to travel the day before, it's never too tiring to wake up with the thought of  ' Swimming!'. They were really excited to swim in the pool on that day.

And it was even easier to get them ready, form them take off their sleep pants from the sleepwear collection with pajamas and put on their swim suits. Eating their breakfast has never been as quick and I hoped that it would be like that every morning.

That was just our first day of our mini holiday courtesy of our friend who treated us with a free hotel stay. We've never expected this blessing but indeed God is just full of surprises and giving us more than we deserve.

We thank God for a restful weekend and a fruitful week in Malaysia meeting our leaders, doing our visa renewal and spending time with family and friends. More details on my next post :)

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