Friday, November 23, 2012

Desire Granted

It has always been Amma's ( my mother in law) desire to be a blessing to the old people at the old folks home. She actually has a heart for them and wants to show them that God loves them. So for her birthday, Hubby and siblings have arranged to for our family to go to an old folks home and bless them. 

The planning and preparation for this surprise took more than a month and we thank God for ordering everything. We went to one small home that's independently run by an Indian family. We were amazed as to how the people at that home takes care of the oldies. As many of them said, the people there are their family.  It's truly heartbreaking to know that many of them have been there for several years. One woman has been living there for 19 years. We don't know what are the reasons for them being there but what's important is that they seem happy and contented to be there.

As for our visit, we prepared a special presentation for them, fed them during lunch, gave them a small gift pack and prayed for them. It has been a blessing for us to be there and it is my prayer that God will continue to bless those oldies at the home too.

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