Friday, November 23, 2012

Amma's 60th Birthday Video

Last week was the birthday of Amma, (my mother in law) and our family surprised her on that day. At exactly 12 midnight we called her as if we were just at home, greeted her and told her that we wanted to visit her for her birthday but we were just so busy. But actually, we were just inside the car parked near the house at that time. A few minutes later, after lighting the candles and a little preparation we were already outside her door and singing happy birthday. She was really so surprised and everyone was in tears out of joy. Above it the video that we made for her.Indeed, we want to honor Amma as she has really been a great mother for HUbby and siblings, a loving mother in law for me and a caring grandmother for our kids. God bless her heart and continue to use her as a blessing for many!

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