Friday, November 4, 2011

Our "Go" Bag

I've been procrastinating in preparing our 'Go Bag' or emergency bag. Just a little background, Hubby has attended a seminar before and we were encouraged to prepare a Go bag just in case anything happens. When one doesn't see anything coming, it's surely difficult to prepare one, right?

But a few nights ago, when it has been raining so heavily and more people we convinced that our city will be flooded, I didn't think for a second but started to prepare one. Our Go Bag wasn't a big one but it isn't as small as a leather briefcase

But how we thanked God when the sun was out the next day. It hasn't been raining for a couple of days now and praise God for that. Oh, we don't want another flood in our city. We've seen how Bangkok has been flooded for many weeks now and please do include them in your prayers too.

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